How to Save a Life Cloud x Reader

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NOTE: Dark and depressing with light fluff at the end? Idk I wouldn't reay. lly call it a sad ending cuz it leads up to Advent Children and thats when Cloud forgives and stuff. I also made this a while back so sorry if it's a little cring

Cloud sighed as he walked inside his bedroom. Tifa was laying on the bed asleep, unaware of the struggle going on inside of the blonde man. Depression and guilt was wrapping around him like a blanket as he took off his boots and changed into his night clothes.

 It was all his fault why Zack, Aerith, and (Name) were dead. 

He wasn't either there to save them in time or watched as they bled to death.

 (Name) died to a gun shot wound in her heart during a fight with Shinra. Choking on her own blood, she managed to say she loved him one last time. Cloud could remember the scent of blood masking her usual scent and how her glistening (eye color) eyes showing no fear; only slight sadness but yet happiness.

He remembered sitting in the field of flowers holding her close as she choked and bled, slowly dying away. She raised her blood soaked hand and reached out gently caressing his cheek.

"Cloud, it's okay. I lived my life, I went on plenty of adventures and got to meet you. I had my first kiss and lost my virginity, I've never been so happy before." She said as blood dripped past her lips.

"(Name), please." Cloud said tears streaming down his face.

(Name) gently kissed him and Cloud pushed past the taste of blood to her natural flavor he would miss forever and always. 

Finally he felt her lips go cold and realized she died.

That was over 3 months ago but he was still grieving and figured he would never stop. He sighed and curled up under the covers listening to Tifa's soft breathing as well as her gentle heart beat. After much time, he decided sleep wasn't going to comfort him and slipped back on his clothes and boots.

He left a little note for Tifa and grabbed his keys and sunglasses. As Cloud walked up to Fenir he saw a flash of a bright, bright white color. When he opened his eyes he found himself in a living room, the living room of your apartment. 

He looked around and saw (Name) was sitting on a couch well Cloud sat in the chair across from her looking straight at her. A small sincere smile on her lips he used to kiss so much. 

Step one, you say we need to talk                                                                                                                             He walks, you say sit down, it's just a talk                                                                                                                    He smiles politely back at you                                                                                                                                            You stare politely right on through                                                                                                                                   Some sort of window to your right                                                                                                                                   As he goes left, and you stay right                                                                                                                                     Between the lines of fear and blame                                                                                                                               You begin to wonder why you came

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