Beautiful Scars Zack Fair x Reader

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Note: This is FULL of fluff and feels. I'm NOT KIDDING if you wanna cry tears of happiness I promise this is the fic for you!

Also it's lightly lemon scented at the end ;)!

Just know that if your lover can't accept your scars then they don't deserve you!

You are beautiful and wonderful and DO NOT let scars define you negatively!

Be like Zack Fair and show your scars some love. :3!


You chuckled as you and your best friend were walking down the street. A bag of mostly eaten popcorn was clutched in your hand from the theater you had came from.

"Oh my god, I loved that movie!" You screeched excitedly.

"GODDddd that actor is so hot~!" Your friend squealed.

You both giggled happily, much in annoyance to the other's passing by.

You turned your gaze up into the sky and sighed; not a single cloud blocking the moon or stars from shining down upon you.

"God, I couldn't ask for a much more better night."

"That must be our Uber driver." Your friend pointed out.

You hummed and lowered your neck back down into a comfortable place. A luxurious car with an uber sticker was pulled off of the road right where your Uber driver was told to be. A man was leaning against the car looking left and right for you guys.

"Are you (Name) and (Friend's Name)?" He asked.

"We are." You nodded.

"How was the movie?" He asked.

He opened the door for you guys; definitely a five starer already.

You crawled in first, your friend right behind you.

How would things have changed if you had switched?

"It was amazing! Totally a 10/10 movie." Your friend gushed.

"Ten out of ten? I gotta see it then. I heard the main actor is super hot."

"Majorly hot." You giggled.

The driver smoothly pulled onto the road, having no traffic passing by at the time. You sighed, resting your head against the leather seats.

The music playing on the radio was playing softly as your friend babbled with the driver about the movie. He slowed to a gentle stop at the stop light and drummed his fingers against the steering wheel. As you gazed out the window, you fidgeted with your hair feeling rather anxious for some reason.

It reminded of you of having a spidey sense, feeling this low, heavyweight in your gut that felt uncomfortable.

You knew it wasn't the soda and popcorn you had earlier.

The light turned green and he eased off the breaks and began to drive across to the other side.

Your mind was practically screaming at you to go into fight or flight mode.

You heard the screeching of rubber.

Lights were shining in your face.


You couldn't breathe--it hurt-- everything hurt.

Every single thing hurt.

"(Friend's Name)?" You called, breathlessly.

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