He Took Away My Yellow

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Prompt: There was this really touching video I saw (I think it was a tik tok) and it was about this girl who was making a sunshine box for her friend who was sad because her boyfriend had left her and she claimed that he "took away her yellow".

Her friend was really into yellow because it was her happiness and joy and when she broke up it hurt her. So her friend made a sunshine box which is basically just a box full of yellow themed items to "bring back her yellow".

And the video really inspired me to make this fic. I love the color yellow and it's such a beautiful color.

I love this fic so much.


"Sweetie, you look gorgeous!"

You smiled shyly and giggled. Your mother Tifa had aided you in getting dressed for your date.

A super special date with the boy of your dreams-your boyfriend.

He was amazing.

Not only did he have killer looks but he was also super sweet and humorous. Today was your three year anniversary so this date was super special.

Tifa had helped you style and find a perfect outfit for the occasion-a beautiful yellow dress.

If anyone could describe you, the only word fitting would be "Yellow". You were vibrant, joyous, child-like, and beautiful.

Cloud in the meantime was melancholy. It was sad to see his little girl grown up already. He could remember it like yesterday when he found you hiding in Aerith's church. You were dressed in a dirty sunflower sundress holding onto one of the yellow lilies. You were scared but through your eyes you were silently pleading for him to help you.

Now to see the girl you were today made him feel old.

"Dad, what do you think?" You asked showing off your outfit.

The blonde smirked and answered, "It's a bit short."

"Is not!" You huffed.

"I'm just teasing." He chuckled softly.

Sure enough you saw your ride pull into the entrance.

"Gotta go! Love you both!"

You hugged and kissed Tifa on the cheek before doing the same to Cloud.

"I'll be back before curfew!" You called.

"Curfew is 10!" Cloud reminded.

"Got it!"

With a chime of the door bell the pub fell quiet again. Tifa's excited face fell into one of sadness and concern.

"Is everything alright Tif'?"

The brunette shook her head, "Just a motherly instinct that something is wrong or...going to happen."

Cloud hummed suddenly having his doubts as well. You were young and naive, always as curiously blind as a mongoose until you get bitten.

"She'll be fine. I know she will." Tifa assured.

Though they both knew they had doubts...

You shifted uncomfortably as you waited for your boyfriend to come back.

You were supposed to go to a nice restaurant—that was what he told you. Instead you found yourself at a rather sensual club feeling very uncomfortable. It wasn't a strip club-thank goodness; but you knew you weren't supposed to be here.

You were underage to enter such an establishment but your boyfriend's sweet convincing and promises to pay you back by the end of the night lulled you in a state of complience.

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