Nap Time Vincent & Child!Reader

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Prompt: Reader hides in Vincent's cloak cuz its warm and safe in there

Nap Time.

It was one of the worst times for a young, toddler. Granted, they did need it and they felt well rested after—but before they'd fight tooth and nail to avoid it.

You were no exception.

"It's nap time." Tifa announced.

You pouted as you looked up at her from your coloring book.

"I want to color!" You whined.

"No, you need to take a nap or you'll get grouchy later." Tifa answered, "Do you mind putting your coloring stuff away? After a nap you can play with them again."

"But I don't want to. Please mommy can I stay up for a few more minutes? Please?"

Tifa sighed knowing that you were doing your puppy dog eyes at her. But she had her back turned to you as she organized Cloud's paper work on the table.

"No, because if you stay up any longer you get cranky."

"No I don't!" You whined.

She smirked as she turned around to face you with a knowing look. You made a whining noise that showed you were very displeased.

Not quite at the edge of a tantrum though.

"Sweetie, just go lay down in your room okay?"

You whined but stood up and stomped off into your room...

A few minutes later Tifa went into your room to check on you. Most of the time all it took was for you to lay down for a minute or two and you'd be out cold.

Tifa did have a past of babysitting so she knew most tricks of the book of both sides. Ignore the puppy eyes, be stern but kind, and if need be give them a reward if they nap.

It was difficult, especially when they act so adorable, but if you don't put them to bed they are like gremlin's when you feed them after midnight.

A chaotic firework display was the best example.

Tifa made sure she was quiet as she opened the door. You were a heavy sleeper like most children, but it was just a force of habit.

She stuck her head through and aimed her eyes to where you were you should be sleeping on the bed. .

Keyword; should.

Tifa huffed and threw open the door. You weren't anywhere in sight and the bed appeared just the same as the morning.

"Brat." She went over to the closet doors and threw them open but there was no childish-squeal.

Just clothes and toys and boxes of random items.

"(Name), this is not a time for hide and seek." Tifa groaned.

Geeze, why were toddlers so difficult to deal with?...

You hopped down the stairs using the railing as a grasp. Your parents were strict on making sure you grabbed the railing on your way up and down the stairs after you fell down once and had a bad bump on your head.

You hopped down on the landing and looked around the tavern. You weren't allowed down here past the landing unless you were with someone trusted to keep an eye on you.

There was only a few customers scattered about, a couple of them those day drinkers who were already passed out on the table.

You peered around the bar to the far corner of the restaurant. Your eyes widened when you saw it was who you were looking for.

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