Making A Move

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   Lotor swept up onto the roof of the castle of lions where he saw Narti watching over the entrance of the mansion, he walked to her side glancing carefully at the scrawny cat that sat perched on her sholder.

"There has been a change in plans." He began. "It seems my fathers foolish playthings have become Paladins." His face did not change as he proceeded. "Our orders still stand. Take them all out."

   Narti nodded and carried on with her mission allowing her leader to then disappear into the night with his commands.

   Down below the Paladins had stopped eating and were putting everything away. Unfortunately for the young men and woman it was not recreational time. Pidge had a lot of work to do and she dragged Hunk with her while Shiro had been called away by Allura leaving Lance and Keith alone once again. Lance convinced Keith that the two had time before the dishes needed to be done so they began to walk around the mansion.

"Hey Keith." Lance started. "What do you think about Zarkon?" He hesitated. "I mean he's your father but you're taking our side."

"He's not my father." Keith corrected him. "He took me in as well as Shiro to be trained like warriors."

"Really? So you're not even a real Galra."

"No I am, my mother was some something in the Galran fleet." Keith sighed.

"Some something? You mean you don't know her?"

"Yeah, it's a long story really." Keith laughed falsely as to not upset the Cuban.

"Well if you ever wanna talk about it man, I happen to have excellent listening skills."

"Are you absolutely sure about that?" Keith smirked cheering up.

"I'm like 86% sure." He giggled.

   Keith was about to laugh along when his senses were unsettled. He twitched whe he began hearing footsteps above them. He looked up at the ceiling stopping in his tracks trying to hear it again.

"What is it?" Lance followed his eyes.

"It's just..." A click sounded behind them forcing him to quickly turn around.

   There stood Acxa with a thick black handgun held up in the boys direction. Lance reached for his gun but was swiped of it from behind. He turned swiftly to see Lotor pulling out the rounds with a cocky smile.

"Hello brother." The silverette chuckled. "You seem to be getting quite cozy."

"What are you doing here Lotor?" Keith growled.

"I was given a very special mission." The prince sprinkled the bullets over the pale blue carpet. "That is, to take out the Voltron Paladins. So if you would just step aside we can have this over with before the others know we've arrived."

"Then I guess you're going to have to take me out too." The darker haired male stood up tall.

"Oh? Do you think you are a Paladin? One of the gang?" Lotor teased letting out a toothy grin. "Isn't it obvious little brother. They're using you Keith. Which is completely pointless because you don't know anything about.... Well.... Anything."

"We aren't using him." Lance snapped up. "Allura saw potential in Keith. You guys may not need him but Voltron does!"

"How cute." Lotor tossed Lance's gun to the floor. "Acxa."

   The woman nodded and rushed up behind Keith, he spun around to fend her off. Lance tried to go to his aid only for Lotor to grab him from behind. Lance tried to struggle free but the tall man had him stuck. He pulled and tugged till he was close to the wall and in a desperate attempt he lifted his legs sticking his feet to the white paint and giving one swift kick sending Lotor into the other tall wooden siding. The dark skinned male gasped as the air escaped his lungs allowing Lance to get free. He whipped around and kicked the man in the chest completely taking him off gaurd.

   When he was given an opening he rushed to Keith's side. Acxa brought out her gun to shoot at the red lion and just when he thought he was done Lance jumped in front of the bullet. It shot through his shoulder and he dropped to one knee.

"Lance!" Keith yelled.

   Keith's eyes began to burn with the rage of the flame his colours represented. He leaped at Acxa hitting her arm away before grabbing it, twisting it upside down forcing her to drop the gun. He pulled her forward then let go of her arm before throwing a fist into her belly. He tripped her to the floor then his hand hit the back of her head knocking her out.


   When he turned back to the Cuban who was being held up with Axca's pistol jammed against his temple.

"Lotor, just let him go." Keith warned.

"Oh I will. If you take me to Allura."


   Allura sat with Shiro, his arm was hooked up to the computer and they watched as the untranslated information passed the screen.

"How much longer do you think this will take?" She asked.

"I honestly don't have any clue. Haggar puts all her work into my arm." Shiro explained.

"Makes me wonder where your loyalty lies." She rested her face in her hands.

"It lies on the side that is just. I am on your side princess."

"I know." She sighed. "I am glad you are here as well."

   He smiled softly running his fingers through his thick black and white hair. She averted her eyes afraid he would see her delight. As she did the light went off and the computers fell black.

"Shiro... Please tell me your arm shorted everything out."

"Um..... I can't tell you that..."

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