Already Rescued?

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Rolo and Nyma sat in the basement, still waiting for help to arrive. The gruff man leaned his head back, staring at the roof, wondering if the message had even gotten to Matt. Or if Matt was even safe in the first place.

"Well, anyone else we wanna try?" He brought up startling the woman next to him.

"Woah, I thought you were asleep." She admitted. "I can't think of anyone who doesn't want us dead." She giggled awkwardly. "I'm sure they're just trying to figure it out."

"It would make more sense for them to just leave us here." Rolo reminded.

"Yeah, well-,"

Nyma's words were cut off when the sound of something cutting metal broke through the mostly quiet room. They heard chains being pulled out of something and then dropped to the floor. They tried to see where it was coming from but couldn't turn their bodies at all.

"Looks like our torture is finally about to start." Rolo grinned.

"I hope it's loud. The silence has been unbearable!" Nyma played along.

"Not exactly." A woman's voice shook them.

The two couldn't see who said it until their restraints were cut loose. They both stood up, turning to see a slightly older woman with black hair tied in a small pony tail behind her head. Her eyes were a stunning piercing violet framed by twin scars on each cheek.

Rolo let a cocky grin frame his face. "Finally, a proper rescue."


Marco rode on Lance's bike, holding him as tightly as he could, resting his weak body against his younger brothers back. Every so often, Keith would glance over, afraid the older male may fall off, but he kept his balance. Lotor had stolen a vehicle from a stranger, which he left elsewhere, so he was now driving Matt's bike with the young man sitting behind him. He hadn't been injured, but with Lotor leading the plan, he thought it would be in their best interest to allow him to drive since the other two would clearly never allow him to touch their bikes.

The mechanic sighed, knowing the relationship between these people was just something he could not fix. Suddenly, his phone buzzed, and he used the helmet to read out the text. The small base speakers inside the helmet spoke up in a robotic womans voice.

"Text from Rolo Dog sent at 03:00am on juxx 21st 20XX: Hey man, we got out okay, so don't send a rescue party. Will call with details when the lines are clear."

"Woah." Matt sat up surprised. "Hey rover, group call Keith and Lance."

"Calling Hot Head and Blue Balls." She spoke up again.

"I gotta change those..." He whispered to himself.

The phones rang until the two males picked up.

"We're not switching, Matt. You made your choice." Lance said immediately.

"It's not about that." Matt shook his head.

"Do you think you can hold it, we're almost there." Keith thought perhaps the man had to use the facilities.

"What? No! I got a text from Rolo." He tried to explain.

"What's happening?" Lotor's voice cut in looking behind himself.

"Rolo said that they got out." Matt responded a little louder so Lotor could hear over the wind.

"For real? Wow, this day is really turning around." They could hear the Cubans' confidence rising over the headsets.

"He said they'll call when they know they're safe too." He went on.

"I wonder how they got out?" Keith pondered.

"Maybe another bounty hunter? Or the Galra freed them to move them, but they fought back before anything could happen." Lance guessed.

"Maybe they had help." Lotor brought up.

"Like who?" Matt asked. "The police?"

"Surely not, those uniformed monkeys are paid to keep out of our business." The prince shook his head.

"That's comforting." Matt said sarcastically.

"Either way, that's one less thing we gotta worry about." Lance said.

"Now we can focus on keeping the families safe and planning our next attack." Keith agreed.

"Yeah, but how?" Matt pondered. "We can't just whipe out an entire Mafia group overnight."

"Well, how do you win a game of chess without taking out any of the other pieces?" Lotor brought up.

Matthew thought it over. "With a checkmate or-"

"Or you trap their king."

"You want to take on Zarkon directly?!" Lance shouted. "You're crazier than I thought."

"Is it, though?" Keith raised the question. "With Zarkon out for the picture, there's no one left to make orders..... Except... Honerva."

"That witch is not Honerva." Lotor snarled. "She should be taken out as well."

"Lotor....." Matt clenched the taller males leather jacket without thinking. "Are you really okay with killing your mother and father?"

   Lotor stayed silent a moment, staring down at the road before him. He let out a long sigh before answering.

"People are dying."

   Matt, Lance, and Keith were all startled by his blank response. Lotor may have been the direct son of Zarkon and Haggar, but he showed a warmth that neither had ever before.

"We're almost their." Lance spoke through the silence. "Let's hang up for now so we don't draw in any unnecessary attention."

   The four agreed, ending the call before riding back in silence. Keith had grown
up alongside Lotor, but he had never really had the chance to talk to him or find out what kind of person he really was. When they were very young, he remembered Lotor had done something wrong and was sent away for a few years. When he returned, he was much more focused and unapproachable, so Keith never tried to sneak a relationship with him the way he had Shiro. Perhaps the rumors and assumptions had been wrong. He thought briefly before he remembered the wound in Lance's shoulder, how the man had dug his fingers into it in search of answers while pressing a gun to his head. His words had been so cold like that of a serpent. But with how he was acting now, he wondered if that might have been for a show to get what he wanted. No, it couldn't have been. It would have been one thing to hold a gun to a man's head for insurance, but he tortured Lance in front of him. His emotions were conflicted, so he decided he would just watch the man carefully and keep Lance away from him for now.

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