A Trip to the Zoo

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  The boys tumbled over the wall taken by surprise when large leaved trees caught them slowing their fall into the earth. They lay still tied together feeling their bodies ache as they tried to stand. Lance reached out an arm to help pull Keith up but the boy had hurt his leg on the tree, when he stood he fell into Lance's arms letting out a light groan in pain. Lance held him and stood still listening for the men, but he heard nothing.

"Are you alright?" He whispered.

"Yeah, we gotta get outta here." 

   Keith tried to walk but his leg buckled, Lance was quick to catch him again holding him up. "Let's go slow." He took his arm around his shoulder letting the other male lean up against him. "Tell me if you need to stop."

"Let's just go." Keith sighed.

"Where are we?" Lance looked around. "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore."

"Yeah." The crippled male agreed. "Let's follow this yellow brick road and get the hell out of here."

"I can't believe you actually went along with that." Lance smiled.

   Keith rolled his eyes as he kept limping holding onto Lance as they moved from the odd forest. They both stopped and looked at each other when they heard something even more unusual.

"Water?" They said in sync.

   They walked on and came out to a brick wall with a fence at the top. Keith winced at the thought of climbing it but knew they had to find a way out.

"I'll climb the wall till i can reach the fence then hoist you up." Lance suggested.

"Like we got much of a choice."

   Lance helped Keith to the wall resting him against it, he reached with his free arm and was able to throw his leg up on top of the wall. He yanked himself up then held onto the fence, he reached his hand out for the raven haired boy grab onto and as he got pulled up he hoisted himself over the wall and they were up against the small fence. They peered down below and saw a small drop to a grass patch and many pools of water. Lance crawled over the belly high fence then lifted Keith over placing him down slowly. He stood on his own for a second only for his weak leg to slip sending them tumbling to the ground. When they hit Keith sat up to feel something warm under him, he looked to see Lance's blue shirt. He quickly got off of him to see that the taller male had caught him.

"Are you okay?!"

"Yeah, landed on my sweet Cuban ass though." He winked.

   Keith rolled his eyes only to see something move in the water. "Lance!" He grabbed the males shirt sitting him up.

"Okay I'm up, we can get going!" Lance sheeshed.

"No." Keith whispered. "There's something in the water." He pointed.

"In the water? Maybe its a duck, or a Shark!"

"In a pond?" Keith glanced. "Let's go look."

"Yeah lets go towards the unknown moving figure when we're being chased, handcuffed and injured with no good way to escape."

"Well what do you propose?"

"I propose we LEAVE." Lance suggested.

"Alright, let's-"

"I think they fell near here." A voice interrupted as flash lights lit up the fences.

"We gotta go."

"Wait..... Lance."

   Lance turned around to see a large dark figure walk out of the water, the flash light's moved into the pond area. The large figure walked in front of Lance and Keith just in time for the lights to cover it and not the two boys. Just like in the cave the lights flickered and then left the scene. Lance and Keith stepped out from behind the large creature and came to the front to see a curvy smooth face with large teeth.

"Holy crap it's a hippo!" Lance said tugging Keith away.

"A Hippo?!" Keith's eyes lit up. 

"They look all cute and cuddly but they are one of the most dangerous animals in Africa."

"Yeah, Africa...... But we're in Denver?"

   They looked at one another and sighed when they realized. "The Denver Zoo." They said in sync.

   They slowly backed away from the hippo till they got to the second fence that lead to the trail. Lance snuck up the chain link fence and when he didn't see the men he helped Keith up getting down onto the main road of the zoo.

"Wanna look around for a bit?" Lance smiled.

"We don't have time." Keith sighed. 

"I was kidding, we gotta get you to a doctor, get that leg looked at."

"No, we need to get back on the road, I'll patch myself up in the car." Keith tugged.

"Um, haha no." The Cuban smirked.

"You can't make me go to the hospital Lance, we have to get ahead of these guys before they find out where we are!" The stubborn princess snapped.

"Awe you are so cute when you act like you have a choice." 

   Lance picked Keith up into his arms like the princess he was and began to carry him out of the Zoo.

"Let me go!" Keith yelled.

"Awe just enjoy not having to walk for a while."

"I don't want to go to the god damn hospital I'm fine you moron!"

"Awe, I love you too."   

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