Escape the Beach

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   Lance stood in the dark with an unknown figure holding him tightly from behind. He was about to try and struggle free when he heard voices outside the cave. A light flickered on the sand then flashed into the dark tunnel and the person behind him pulled them down hiding around a large rock. Lance could feel his and the others hearts beating heavily as they tried to control their breath. The lights disappeared and the hands around him let go. He turned quickly unable to see the face so he called out to it.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"What do you mean who am I? YOU kidnapped ME!" Keith's voice echoed.

"Keith?!" Lance's blue eyes widened.

"Yeah? Who else would it be?"

"I dunno, a cave beast! A yeti! A bear! A pedo!" He stopped his absurd yelling as he realized the young man had perhaps saved both their lives. "... Why did you help us get away?"

"Don't be stupid. Zarkon's goons are the shoot first ask questions later type of guys, I did this for myself."

"So hiding me as well was for you?" The Cuban smirked.

"Yes, I didn't want you luring them in here."

   Lance smiled looking at the entrance. "Yeah whatever helps you sleep at night." He murmured to himself.

"What?" Keith snipped.

"The cars a wreck, what do we do now?" 

   Keith sighed trying to restrain the need to strike the other man. "As much as I hate to admit I'd rather stick with you than get caught by those meat heads."

   Lance looked back at the very little amount of Keith he could see. "Is that so?"

"Just shut up, let's get out of here." Keith began to move towards the cave entrance but then he was held back by a quick hand.

"Woah, woah slow down there. What if they are still out there?" Lance raised a brow.

"We can get around them quick then-"

"Then get lost in the forest in the middle of nowhere till we get caught or die of starvation?" Lance sassed.

   Keith ripped his arm out from Lance's grip and crossed them in frustration. "Then what do you suggest?"

"Wait here till night fall, try to find the road, keep walking till we get a vehicle." Lance suggested. 

"Fine." Keith rolled his eyes.


   Once night fell the two walked out of the cave both scouting the beach. Lance paused staring at the ocean while Keith walked up behind him watching him carefully.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

   Lance smiled down at the shorter male then back at the large body of water. "It's not every day I get to see the Pacific ocean, being from the East side. It's nice to have the Atlantic of course but it feels different here." 

"Yes the oceans beautiful but now we gotta go."

"Awe come on sour puss." Lance played. "Don't you ever stop to enjoy the view?"

   Keith sighed looking away from Lance and onto the star freckled Ocean. "No, I never get let out of the mansion unless we're on mission."

    The tan males ocean blues widened as he looked back at the Galra. "Are you telling me you have never seen the ocean?"

"I did NOT say that." Keith growled.

"Are we gonna have a moment?" Lance cooed. 

"No. You'll ruin it." The raven haired boy turned around. "I'm leaving you!" He called back as he began to cross the sand.

    Lance rolled his eyes and began to follow the aggressive princess up the sandy trail back to the forest. They began to walk towards the road and when they got there they saw two heavy trucks and a sleek black motorcycle. They grinned evilly at one another then rushed to the vehicles. Lance came up to the first truck pulling each handle with no luck. He jogged to the next only to find the same answer. He looked over at the motorcycle to see Keith checking through it.

"I got no nothing over here, we'll have to move on." He called.

"Not so fast." Keith spun dangling a key with a skull chain.

"I don't know how to ride a bike." Lance admitted.

   The dark eyed male raised a brow and smirked cockily. His captures mouth dropped and he waved his index finger side to side.  

"No! No way, I saw your driving I am NOT getting on that thing with you!" 

"Fine." Keith mounted the bike. "Stay here, get caught. See if I care."

   The tall man bit his lip looking to the side thinking it over. He couldn't let the kid go, he had a mission. A mission that was already falling behind quickly. He sighed and walked hesitating slightly before throwing his leg over the bike behind the shorter male, which felt a little odd.

"You're gonna want to hold on." Keith advised.

"To what?!" The Cuban called out.

   Keith reached around for Lance's hand and brought it over his waste placing it on his chest.

"To me numb skull." 

   Lance began to blush deeply but acted cool by reaching his other hand around. "Just don't kill us." He said closing his eyes.

"We'll see how it goes." Keith smirked. 

   He kicked off the stand and started the old Indian, he smiled silently thanking that the tank was partially full. He kicked off and they escaped down the highway with their hunters bike.

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