Taking You Home

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   Late the next day the boys had slept in. Despite there being two separate beds the two drunken males had fallen asleep curled in the same violet satin sheets. They had spent the rest of the night doing nothing more then talking. Eventually the alcohol took it's coarse in wearing them down till they fell asleep side by side.

   Lance was the first to awake and when he opened his eyes he was surprised to see the raven haired galra curled up with the deep purple sheets. His face was sound and glowing from the now almost dead candle light. It flickered off his ivory rosy cheeks and turned his hair into burning coals. The Cuban thought of getting up and cleaning some of the room but instead he reached his hand over Keith's cheek careful not to wake him. He lightly ran his fingers through his feathery hair holding back a happy chuckle.

   Keith awoke to the almost therapeutic feeling of long warm fingers massaging his scalp. He looked up and was surprised to see Lances slender tan face so close to his.

"Lance?" He murmered through a dry wind pipe.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. You can go back to sleep."

   The shorter male sat up and stretched lightly. "No." He began to look around. "That's-" he hesitated and his eyes became wide in slight horror.

"What's wrong?" Lance asked.

"We.... Did we?" His heart skipped forcing his cheeks to burn red.

"Did we?" Lance looked around at the empty drinks and thrown around blankets and gasped. "Oh THAT! No, of course not. You'd feel that in the morning."

"Feel what?" Keith tilted his head.

   Lance looked away covering his mouth at what he has said. "Ah nothing."

   Keith glared at the tan male a little frustrated. Lance swung himself out of the bed and awkwardly looked at the mess.

"Well I guess it's about time we clean up and head out." He laughed.

   Keith got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom while lance began to clean up the mess. The tan male looked up to see him heading to the door.

"Hey! You're not gonna help out?"

   Keith looked back at him with an unimpressed stare. "I smell like chlorine. I'm gonna shower."

"Oh, can I join." Lance said with a smolder.

   Keith shrugged. "If you'd Like."

   Lances face began to glow at the surprising answer quickly beginning to pick up the cans and bottles.

"N-no that's alright. I'll go afterwords."

" Okay?" Keith raised a brow.

   The boy disappeared into the bathroom leaving Lance to clench his chest dramatically.

"This kid is going to be the death of me." He gasped.


   When the two were cleaned up and booked out of the hotel they had rented a car once again and had even bought themselves a few guns in case of trouble. With the money lance had blown it seemed pointless to just get a fast way home. They had already lost a lot of time and  were in more trouble then they'd like to admit. So they were back on the road and not stopping for anyone.

   Keith watched the highway sky sleepily as Lance drove down the empty strip. He felt his hands shake as he stared out at the deep blue. He was nervous at the thought of meeting the paladins circled in his mind. But something about the sky calmed him the same way Lances soft gaze would. He shook his head when he caught himself daydreaming about the boy all over again. But after that night, that amazing night, he couldn't help it. He had never been able to get close with another person. Especially in any sort of romantic way. Though he knew it was stupid, reckless even, he was falling in love.

"Lance." he spoke out startling himself.

"Yeah?" the Cuban glanced over for a second then looked back at the road. "whatcha thinking about princess."


   Keith stopped. He couldn't tell Lance? He couldn't say or ask anything. His heart pounded and his face glowed as he became overly embarrassed by what he had begun. Lance looked at him again becoming slightly worried at the crimson face boy.

"hey." he said gingerly. "You can say what you want. Just like, yell it or something. I won't judge if you're scared." he smirked.

"I'm not scared!" Keith snapped. "forget it!"

   Lance smiled widely and brushed a hand over his hair. "I'm sorry. Please tell me what you were gonna say."

"No, forget it."

   Lance slowed down the car and looked at Keith grabbing his jaw giving him a swift kiss. Keith pushed him away his face exploding with surprise and fear.

"Tell me." the tan male became more serious.

"I-I just wanted to know what last night was?!"

"Last night?" Lance raised a brow. "What about it?"

"Yeah like Last night." Keith repeated.

"Yeah. What aboooout it?" The Cuban said slowly.

   Keith's face kept burning redder and redder. "The thing. You know that you just did."

"Oh a kiss?" Lance smiled knowing all along what he had meant.


"What do you mean what was it? Haven't you ever kissed someone before."

    Keith looked away choking over all the embarrassment he felt from the situation.

"Oh. My. God."

"Shut up!" the fiery male yelled.

"You haven't?! Like not once?!"

"I said shut up!" Keith hid his face in his long black hair.

   Lance looked over at him softly for a moment smiling at the adorable shy boy before looking back to the road. He opened his mouth and said gently.

"It means that I like you. That I like spending time with you. And even though you're a royal pain in my butt.... I care about you."

   Keith looked up and slowly moved his vision to the handsome tan male. His dark eyes were wide and his heart was pounding. No one had ever, not once, besides his brother, told him they cared about him. He looked down at his hands thinking deeply and cherishing Lance's words.

"I care about you too. Even though you are an insufferable dense loudmouth." the Galran smirked.

"You cut me deep Keith."

"You do too."

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