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    Lance held onto Keith for dear life not able to even open his eyes, until the bike began to slow. He finally looked up to see the rushing highway once again.

"Where are you taking us?" Lance yelled still a bit wind blocked.

"Us?" Keith pulled over the bike. "There's no us. Get off."


"Off." The black haired male pushed the other off the bike.

   The Cuban landed on his butt and looked up at the princess a little taken back. The bike started back up but before Keith could make his escape Lance got up and yanked him off the bike. The Galran reached for Lance's collar and as he hit the ground he pulled him over his head launching him into the ground. Lance sprung up and chased the boy tackling him into the pavement. Keith tried to turn around but then felt something cold and medal click around his wrists. He looked over to see himself cuffed to the blue eyed boys own wrist. Lance dangled the key in his face before he threw it into the bush.

"No!" Keith yelled. "What the hell are you doing?!"

"You are coming back with me whether you like it or not." Lance said standing up and pulling the dark eyed boy up as well. 

"Well now I can't drive the bike." 

"Good, you drive like a crazy person and you would have tried to drag me back to your father to have me killed anyways."

"So what's your plan?" Keith mocked.

"We're walking." Lance began to march.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" 

"Not even a little."

    They began to walk on the side of the highway, Keith began to tug on the chain in frustration but Lance was much bigger keeping them on the path. The dark haired boy gave in when his wrists began to become soar and redden. 

"So, if you had these cuffs the whole time why did you use the rope in the car?" 

   Lance glanced back at Keith with a slight smirk. "I was trying to be nice to you. Now you've blown it."

"What does that mean?"

"It means you are gonna do as I say and I am not taking these off till we get to the Altea house." 

"The whole way?! What if those thugs come back?! We'll have no way to make a quick get away!" Keith yelled.

"You mean YOU wont make a quick get away." Lance glared. "Look I have tried to be nice Princess, but now my mission is to get you back, and if we gotta kink it up with these cuffs then so be it." 

"Could you at least be serious when we fight?!"

"I can never take you serious with THAT mullet." 

"Oh so now that I tried to escape too many times all the insults are coming out?!" 

"That's right shorty."

"That's barely even an insult!" 

"And you're barely a person short stack!" 

   Suddenly a car pulled over and and a man rolled down the window with a pretty blonde girl at his side.

"Well look who it is." The raspy voiced man smirked. 

"Rolo and Nyma." Lance smiled. "I haven't seen that pretty face of yours since you tried to steal my shipment a few months back."

"Awe, you're not still butt hurt about chaining you to that tree are you?" Nyma cooed.

"You know I am! I trusted you." Lance whined.

"Awe poor baby boy, welcome to the Mafia." She smirked.

"We're doing a shipment right now, need a lift?" Rolo asked.

"Where you heading?" Keith asked.

"Is that the princess?" Rolo smirked.

"Yes, and I'd like to get him back sooner than late." Lance rolled his eyes.

"Well we're only going to Denver so you'll have to find a new ride there." The man smirked.

"Yeah, we got a place there, I'll pick up a car. This is such perfect timing." 

"Alright, get in!" Nyma said excitedly. 

   Lance opened the door and climbed in however Keith pulled on the cuffs glancing up at the Cuban. His eyes looked frightened as he checked out the car they were going to enter.

"It's cool, I know them, I'll take care of you kiddo."

"Stop calling me a kid!" Keith snipped.

"Then stop acting like one." Lance mocked. "Come on. get in, or you can run on the side of the car."

   Keith sighed and got in next to Lance trying to put his seat belt on. He looked over not knowing the tan male was looking his way.

"Wanna hold hands?" He joked.

"No!" Keith blushed angrily.

"You two are adorable." Nyma smirked looking back at them.

"Just drive." Keith demanded.

"Yes your majesty." Rolo said before sending the car back on the road.

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