Yeah, That's a Good Idea

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   Keith and Lance quietly moved through the halls of the building checking each room before they began to move towards the staircase. They slipped down the stairwell to the floor below to find once again that there was no one around. They began to move towards the kitchen but stopped when they heard the sound of ascending footsteps. Keith pulled Lance into an empty room quietly watching to see who it was. A door a few rooms down opened up and a man with an eyepatch walked out from a long dark staircase.

"Sendak." Keith whispered.

   The large man pulled a handkerchief from his pocket using it to whipe blood off of his prothetic metal hand. Keith could feel Lance's body tense up as they realized what the man must have been doing down there. They waited for him to clear out before the two looked at one another.

"Whats down there?" Lance began.

"The cellar." Keith responded. "I've never been down there before but...." He thought about how Zarkon operated and knew there was no way it was just a basement full of whine. "We should check it out."

"What about Matt. We should go back for him then do this." The brunette reminded.

   Keith was a little surprised that Lance was thinking about Matt. He had to admit he hadn't been concerned about him and when the thought of there being prisoners in the cellar arrived he had been completely wiped from his mind.

"I have a plan." Keith nodded. "You go back to see how Matt is doing. I'll go down there just to check up on whats going on. If I'm not back before he's finished then I've found something."

   Lance didn't like the idea of leaving him alone. But he was concerned about both things. He chewed it over in his head before deciding to agree.

"Alright. Just info. Don't go starting an uprising. We can't have Zarkon follow us back." Lance reminded.

"Sure." Keith remained serious. "Dont get caught on your way back."

"Hey, I'm a cool ninja sharp shooter. There's no way I'll get caught."


   Lance then left Keith's side carefully returning to the staircase. When he was out of sight Keith walked out of the room they were hiding in sticking to the walls as he looked out for Sendak. He wasn't sure if the man had been the only one downstairs. He rushed to the basement door quickly getting inside before closing it gingerly. He moved his eyes to the long dark staircase taking in a deep breath before beginning his descend down to the next door. He placed his ear up against it listening for voices or movement. He could hear the sound of raspy breathing and that was all. He opened the door to see a pitch black room. He reached for the wall in search of a lightswitch. He finally found one and the massive basement lit up. Along the walls were weapons, tools, and shop equiptment. Large empty cages lay scattered across the floor. At the end of the room was a chair that had been bolted to the floor. In the chair sat a tall slender man with shoulder length hair and a stubbley beard. His face had been cut up, his wrist bruised by the chains keeping him there. Keith rushed to the man's side immediately recognizing him as Lance's brother.

"Marco." He spoke softly trying to pry him out of the chains. "Hey, I'm a paladin of Voltron. We're here to help."

    The tan man opened his dark piercing eyes slowly. When he saw the raven haired boy beneath him his heart began to pound.

"Get outta here." He muttered.

"Dont worry, Lance and I came here to find you, we're gonna get you outta here." He snapped off the chains but just as he did the weak male grabbed him by the collar.

"You brought Lance here?!" He yelled.

"Marco calm down." Keith held onto his shaky arms.

"This is a trap!" His anger and fear for his brother was the only thing that had given him the streangth to move like that. His hands let go of Keith as his fell to his knees coughing violently.

    The red paladin stared at Marco in shock he turned around quickly to see Sendak standing at the door.

"Welcome home young master." He hissed closing the door and locking it behind him.

"No!" Keith shouted running over to try and break down the wooden piece keeping them from escape. "Lance!"


    Back at the office where Matt was working on finding info Lance knocked on the door five times as promised. He waited a moment before Matt let him inside. The man seemed perfectly fine which made the cuban feel a little more relaxed.

"Where's Keith?" The hazel eyed male raised a brow.

"He's checking something out. How far along are ya?" Lance followed him back to the PC.

"Just need like a minute and a half. Whats Keith checking out?"

"A suspicious cellar. We'll catch up with him when you're-" Lance stopped as a shiver ran down his spine.

"Whats wrong?" Matthew looked up at him from the desk. "Your spider senses tingling."

"I just got a chill." He touched his back.

"Maybe this place is haunted." The older male joked.

"Dont even say that, this place already gives me the heebie-jeebies." He brushed his arms to sooth his goosebumps.

"Oh yeah, this place is definitely haunted." Matt decided. "Just imagine how many lives were taken here. They say ghosts are usually people with unfinished business or who died horrible deaths."

"Please stop, I think I'm gonna be sick."

"Ah." Matt looked back at the PC quickly removing his USB before erasing any traces of them being there. "All done. Let's go save your boyfriend."

"Heh, its kinda embarrassing when you say it like that."

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