A Plane Ride

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   Keith watched the trees go by tiredly as the car raced down the empty highway. His hands were again bound to the handle above the door. They hadn't needed gas for hours which was irritating for Keith since he wanted a chance to try and escape again before they were too far away. 

"Are we going to stop soon, I have to use the washroom." He tried to bring up.

"We're almost there. Don't worry there will be a bathroom on the jet."

"I can't wait till then!" Keith yelled.

"Yeah well just don't pee on the seat, Hunk has already thrown up too many times to count and I don't wanna add urine to the detailers bill." Lance shivered.

"I will if you don't pull over." Keith threatened. 

"You wouldn't." Lance glared.

"You really going to trust someone with my background and nothing to lose?" Keith's brows furrowed.

"Oh heck nope!" Lance slammed on the breaks. 

   The tan man got out of the car and rushed to Keith's side, he opened the door crouching down to untie the rope. When he undid it he held Keith's hand making sure he wasn't going to make a run for it again. He walked him down to a tree and waited for him to go. Keith stared at him with a confused disgusted face.

"You gonna hold my hand while I do it?" He questioned.

"Yup, I won't look."

"This is so gross, what about my fly?" Keith pushed trying to get the man to leave.

"Are you asking me to undo it?" The Cuban's eyes widened.

"No! I just need my hand." The paler males face began to redden. 

"Nopey nope. You aren't getting away that easily." Lance smiled. "I'm not that dumb."

"Who would've known." Keith grumbled.

"Just go or we're going back up to the car."

   The boy looked back at the tree and realized he really did have to go all of a sudden. But when he felt the warm grip of the other male he tried to erase it from his mind. He looked back up hiding his face as he felt it become hot from the embarrassment.

"I'll wait till we're on the plane..." He gave in.

"You sure?" Lance smirked.

"Yeah, I'm sure." 

   Keith turned around and followed Lance back up the hill to the car and allowed the Cuban to open the door to let him in. However this time Lance didn't tie him up, he just rushed to the other side and got in. A dumb move, Keith thought to himself. Lance got in, started the car and they were quickly back on the road. For a moment Keith thought he would try to use his advantage of being free, but as if on impulse he spoke instead.

"Why didn't you tie me up?"

"Hey, I don't kink shame but don't you get tired of being tied up all the time?" Lance laughed.

 "That's not what I meant!" Keith snipped. "You not tying me up was a moronic move on your part. What if I jump ship or pull the wheel sending us in a crash."

"Naw, I know you're curious about where we're going." 

"Why the hell would I be curious of that?!"

"Oh come on! You know I'm not a bad guy, or else you'd be in the trunk. You were left behind by big daddy Zarkon, and this is something to do, something exciting."

   Keith's eyes widened at Lance's harsh yet soft words. He stared at the boy unable to deny what he had said. When He saw the driver's face look over to him he snapped back and looked away.

"It's not personal Princess, we are trying to win a war." Lance sighed.

"Stop calling me princess." 

   Lance bared his teeth in a large cocky grin. "No problem princess."

   The car reared around the corner of the trees to a large abandoned parking lot where a plane sat in wait for them. The plane was an old small tan rec with sketchy tape and a poor welding job holding up the wings. Lance parked the car once more walking around to help Keith out. He held the boy's hand again and they began to walk towards the plane.

"Okay wait no!" Keith said trying to pull his arm back.

"What now?" Lance sighed.

"That thing looks like a jurassic mess!" 

"It's fine, we're just on a bit of a budget."

"Lance no!" Keith yelled stopping them.

   Lance looked back at the shorter male ready to argue only for his words to be bleeped out by the loud sound of an explosion behind them. The wind from the blast pushed at hem almost knocking the two over. They looked over at the plane to see the left wing and cabin blown out and burning the bomb. Lance's mouth fell wide open in shock while Keith lightly yanked on him wanting to run.

"Lance, we gotta go!"

   Lance looked around him hearing trucks shredding the earth in the pitch black forest. He could hear Keith calling to him as he recognized the Galra vehicles. Before he knew it Keith dragged him back to the car, when they got to the door Lance's mind went blank until Keith slapped him across the face. Lance looked at him in shock only to have the keys taken from him. Keith shoved the man into the car and kept pushing till he was in the passenger seat. The dark haired boy got in slamming the door and turning the car on quickly.

"Hold onto something!" He warned.

   He put the impala into gear reversing quickly and turning around. He changed gear and drove back into the streets. Lance sat up putting his seat-belt on and looking at Keith in total awe. Keith hit the brakes hard turning into the forest beginning to drive through the trees.

"Holy crap you're gonna kill us!" Lance screamed.

"Just shut up and trust me!" He yelled back.

   Lance held onto the handle over his head screaming in terror as Keith drove like a maniac through the trees. Keith saw a clearing where the ocean lapped the shore under a light cliff. He turned sharp and drove to it watching the water carefully.

"Holy shit we're gonna die!" Lance hollered again.

   Keith hit the gas hard and the car plummeted over the small cliff, it landed in the sand slammimg into the frail surface, Keith drifted right out as soon as they made contact and drove on. However the car began to dig into the beach and spun out crashing into the cliff wall. Keith leaped out of the car and Lance struggled to find his seat belt to undo it then stumbled out. He chased the boy down into a dark cave but lost sight of him. He held his hand on the cold damp sea cave walls trying to feel his way through.

"Keith." He called out. "Keith!"

   Just as he called out the name a hand grabbed him from behind covering his mouth and pulling him into the darkness.

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