Kidnapping the Princess

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   Keith sat curled up in the corner of his bed sulking over Zarkons harsh behaviour. He tried to bite back the feeling and ignore the pain just as he had many times before. He hated being useless and unwanted, he was a great fighter, and very smart. He had already bested all of his teachers and was always ready for the next step. Yet his brothers out ranked him in brains and brawn every time. He heard a knock at the door and ignored it holding his hippo plushie closer to him like a small child. The door opened and he quickly placed the hippo aside. He quickly glared at the door expecting to see Haggar or Sendak, but softened when he saw Shiro. The tall handsome man entered the room sitting at the foot of the bed.

"Shiro, you'll get in trouble if Zarkon finds you here." Keith worried.

Shiro smiled lightly. "You don't have to say that twice in one day, I know the risks." He chuckled.

"Sorry." the young man sighed.

Shiro's face grew loving and kind. "I just came to say goodbye..... And-" He hesitated.

Keith's head tilted to the side like a puppy. "And?" He pushed.

"...... And.... Be happy you aren't under Zarkon's thumb."

The dark eyed boy's face became aggressive. "But Shiro I-"

Shiro stood up and messed up the younger male's hair causing him to go quiet. He then turned away and left the room quietly shutting the door. Keith sighed watching out the window as the convoy began to give way and Shiro jogged up to Zarkons large black Escalade.

   When the cars left the lot the boy laid down slowly looking over to the clock as the time clicked by. He fought off the need to sleep as his mind raced over the thought of Shiro on the front lines, head to head with the enemy. The image frightened Keith worse than anything he had been able to conjure up before. He hated that he couldn't be there to have his back. His eyes began to close and he gave into his need to rest.

   He hadn't even began to dream when he was awoken to the sound of his window sliding open. He sat up swiftly only to be tackled off the bed then onto the floor. Even though he was caught off guard he was able to swiftly turn his body and use his legs to launch his attacker off of him. He looked up to see playful sapphire eyes focused on his own. The man before him was around his age, tall and slender yet strongly built. He had short brown hair that blended into dark sun kissed skin. A long rifle was strapped to his back and Keith was able to identify other small weapons against his thighs.

"Hm, I didn't think the princess would put up such a fight." He smirked a toothy grin.

"Who the hell are you?!" Keith barked.

"Oh, I'm always one for big introductions, but I'm in a bit of a hurry."

   The man reached into his pocket and took out a small dart gun and before Keith could react a tini feathered needle shot into the center of his chest. The boy pulled it out as quick as it hit him, he got up swiftly getting ready to charge at the intruder but as he did his head grew light and his body heavy. The other male got up to catch the aggressive pale man as he fell limp into his arms. He threw the boy over his shoulder and reached to his ear activating a headset.

"Pidge I got the kid I'm heading out."

"Alright we're heading back, have a nice plane ride."

"Last one home has to buy drinks."

"Focus Lance."

**** The Great Escape****

   Keith opened his eyes shakily to see a car windshield and a dark hood. He tried to sit up but was held back by his hands being tied to a bar over the window. He spat the hanky out of his mouth and tried to shuffle to the window to look for his kidnapper. They were at a gas station in an unknown town. He caught sight of the mystery man chatting up the poor girl at the counter. Keith looked at the rope tied to the holy shit handle and rolled his eyes when he noticed it was just an average bow knot. He used his teeth to untie the knot then quickly unraveled it going to the door. It also was conveniently unlocked, he got out and crouched behind the dark blue Impala. He looked over the trunk to see the ally behind the station. He went back down and took a deep breath before he raced for it.

   Lance looked out the window of the store to see the young man run across the lot. He smiled softly then looked back at the lady behind the counter.

"It has been a pleasure meeting you, but my friend is waiting for me in the car." He winked.

The girl gave a confused smile and watched him leave to the new car and drive away. Lance sat back in his seat and drove around the side to the alley. He caught sight of the escaped boy who was just about to get out of the narrow street before Lance cut him off. The cuban watched the boys face grow terrified before he turned around swiftly.

"Where are you going?" Lance smiled.

   He shot down the slendet roads cutting the kidnapped boy off over and over until they met a dead end. Lance rolled down the window and called out.

"You know, it's easier to run away when the other person isn't in a CAR."

The boy glared at Lance and lept up onto the trashcans at his side pulling himself up the fire escape.

"Awe come on!" Lance parked the vehicle before leaping out.

Keith made his way up the escape and to the roof. He began to run to the edge hoping to leap to another building but stopped when he realized they were too far away. He turned around to see the tan male pulling himself up over the latter. The raven haired male backed up to the edge and tried to calm his breath. Lance began to move towards the boy slowly taking it easy afraid to spook him.

"Alright Keith, step away from the ledge." He warned.

"No! Who are you! Why are you trying to take me?!"

Lance shuffled a little closer. "If you step forward I'll tell you."

"No! I'm not going anywhere with you!"

"Okay, if you'd just let me explain-"

Keith's frustration grew and when Lance got too close he lost his balance and plummeted over the edge. But just as he closed his eyes excepting his eminent death, a set of warm hands caught his own. His eyes flashed open to see the same Sapphire eyes that had met him in his home.

"Lance." The man said.

"What?!" Keith yelled.

"My name! It's Lance!"

"Are you kidding me right now?!" The dangling kid yelled.

"No, that's my real name." He promised.

"Lance! Pull me up!"

   Lance suddenly flashed to reality and yanked the boy up falling over onto the roof. Keith lay on top of him holding his shirt tightly as if an instinct from the fear. When he realised what he was doing he quickly let go.

"Sorry, I said I love big introductions." Lance smirked.

"I could have died!"

"What? No way! I had you."

"Well why would I trust you?!"

"Cause." Lance stood up. "I need you alive. Now are you going to come quietly?"


Lance sighed. "Do I have to dart you again?" He reached to his side.


"I'll let you ride shotgun if you behave."

"I won't give up on escaping." Keith growled.

"I'm sure you wont."

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