Black and Red

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   Lance, Shiro and Kieth stared at Allura with wide eyes at what she had just said. Lance put up a finger as if to say 'Pause'.

"I need to lie down." He said dramatically.

"Do you really want us Princess... I mean with who we are and all." Kieth worried.

"I said it did I not? Shiro, I would like you to be the Black Paladin and Kieth the Red. If this is something you would like to do."

"It would be an honour." Shiro stepped in.

"How could we say no." Kieth smiled to Lance.

   The Cuban lay on the ground still getting over his shock. Allura smiled rolling her eyes to him. 

"It will not be easy, you will have to go through extensive training. But I think if Lance can pass his classes then you will have no trouble." She assured. "Lance!"

"Yes ma'am." He groaned.

"Take them to the fitting room and get them their uniforms."

   Lance sat up and stood rejoining the group. "Alright you two, it's dress up time." He said showing the way.

   Allura watched them off and a calming smile spread over her lips as she felt good about her decision.

   Lance lead them through the winding white halls to another room with a large sign that read "Seamstress at work. Do not disturb."

"Should we come back later?" Shiro asked.

"Naw, We're under Allura's orders so we get a free pass of disturbing the 'seamstress'." Lance said using finger quotes.

   He opened the door to see a plethora of manikins wearing all sorts of armour and uniforms that followed the strict colours of black, red, green, blue, yellow, and pink. Behind all the well crafted clothing sat a single sewing machine where someone with red hair hiding behind it. She looked hard at work as she sewed a pair of pink and white pants back into place.

"Excuse me all mighty seamstress, we need your skills."

   The person behind the machine poked up their head to reveal a big bushy orange mustache that went with a serious face.

"Lance." Coran got to his feet revealing a floral apron. "There's a sign on the door!" he yelled dramatically.

"Yeah, yeah I read it, but Allura sent us."

"The princess?" Coran's eyes widened. "What for?"

"Uniforms. For these two, they are gonna join our almighty fighting team!" He became excited.

"The Galran boys?" Coran looked at them a little taken back.

"The two and only."

"The princess must be losing her marbles. But I can't say no so, what colours will I be sketching today."

"Well, Shiro will be Black." Lance presented the large man.

"Ah yes, very fitting." Coran nodded.

"Leaving my little prisoner to be red."

   Coran hesitated looking Keith over carefully before turning off the machine.

"Alright, let's get you two fitted then I suppose."

   Meanwhile on the other side of the castle Allura stumbled into the room where the Paladins spent their time together when not on duty. She sighed sitting upon the couch staring at the wall as her mind wandered. Behind her Hunk entered the room I'm his pajamas with a jar of cookies and a glass of warm milk. He saw the poof hair of the princess and decided to sit across from her.

"Hey Princess, long day?" He asked as he took his seat.

   Allura sighed again and looked up to Hunk. "I suppose." She admitted.

   The large Samoan man took a bite of his first cookie before saying with a full mouth.

"What's eating you?"

"I just made Shiro and Keith into Paladins." She smiled feeling as if her words were mad.

"Wow, that's a big step for you Allura. But you know you made the right decision." The yellow paladin shrugged eating another cookie.

"What?" Allura looked up completely lost.

"I mean, out loud it sounds a little nuts. But it's not something anyone can judge unless they are in your position. So you know you made the right choice."

"How can you be so sure?" Her silver brows furrowed with worry.

"I'm not sure of anything. Just going with my gut."

   Allura thought back to what Pidge had said about Hunk's gut and began to smile.

"You're right hunk. It's only mad to those on the outside. They may be Galran but they are useful allies." She sat up brimming with confidence.

   The large male pointed a cookie towards her. "That and I'm pretty sure you and Lance both got the hots for them."

   The princesses face became a dark red as she grew embarrassed by his words. "That is not true!" She cried as she tossed a small throw pillow over his head.

   Hunk only laughed at the princess as he ate his cookies and drank his milk. Another door opened as Pidge joined in, she dragged her tired feet and flopped onto the couch resting her head on Hunks side. The giant looked down holding up his jar towards her.

"Cookie?" He asked.

   She reached her hand over feeling for the jar, taking the treat, then a bite.

"So." She said looking to Allura. "Did you do it?"

"Yes Pidge, you were right, thank you for the swift kick to the cranium, I needed some sense knocked into me."

"You hit the princess?" Hunk looked at the glassed girl.

"Of course not." She smirked. "So what are they up to now?"

"Getting fitted I suppose." Allura remembered.

   Just as she said that the door opened again to show Lance striding in. He stopped to clear his throat then began his dramatic speal.

"Ladies and Hunk, may I introduce the newest members of Voltron, the black and red lions. Kieth, and Shiro."

   Through the door the two walked in with black fitted dress pants held up. With red and black suspenders, white longs sleeve shirts which had been rolled up, as well as red and black vests that sunk under shoulder gun holsters. Hunk whistled playfully and Pidge began to clap while Allura stood up to meet the two. They stood straight, almost as if at attention, as they were met by the princess.

"Congratulations boys." She said respectfully. "Welcome, to Voltron."

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