You Look Good In Red

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(This is for Adam_Is_Bawtiful and EveryonesBabyFangirl you little brats)

   After Allura had spoken with Keith and Shiro about their parts in Voltron they had all been sent to bed. However Lance had other plans in mind for the new red lion. He snuck into the bedroom that sat right across from his and slipped to the bedside where Keith was missing. He looked down at the bed a bit worried but then he felt a chill rush his spine. The cold had come through the padio door. Lance made his way to the swaying curtain to see Keith standing in his same dress clothes staring up at the clear night sky. The Cuban tried to sneak up on the raven haired boy but he bumped the door and the creak of the hinges drew his attention. At first he looked hostile and defensive till he saw the other paladin.

"Lance?" He raised a brow.

   Lance didn't hesitate but slipped into his arms holding onto his waist and pulling him in.

"I've been wanting to get you alone all day." He flirted.

"How come?" Keith was oblivious.

"Hmm, so I could do this."

   The tan male leaned down to kiss the boy softly before pulling away in a huge grin. Keith smiled back pulling his face in closer.

"Thats a little cheesy, even for you."

"Oh you know you love it." He wiggled his brows.

   Keith rolled his eyes and pulled Lance in for another kiss.

"So." He smirked. "What were you intending by coming into my room. Like this?"

"Just a little one on one time." Lance shuffled a little pink from his own words.

"You want to fight? Right now?" Keith didn't understand what Lance meant by 'one on one'.

"What? No!" Lance shook his head. "You really need to get your social cues in order."

"Then what do you mean?" Keith pushed away.

"Like, y'know...." Lance looked away having a hard time saying what he wanted. "You, and me, just two lovers making the..... Love."

"You want to sleep with me?" Kieth looked shocked.


   His dark eyes flooded as his smile turned. "No?"

"What?! No!! I mean yes!! I want to sleep with you but not right now!! Unless you want to right now?? But I don't want to make you uncomfortable!"

  Keith laughed into Lance's shoulder reaching his arms back around his waist.

"We can do whatever you'd like."

"Really?" His deep blues widened. "Well I sorta had one idea."



   Lance stood away and took Keith's hand in his leading him to the edge of the balcony. He let go and crawled over the edge.

"Meet you at the bottom." He winked before dropping into the bushes.

  Keith leapt over following after him and they began to give chase into the night. They raced to the edge of the acres where a large oak sat at the edge of a Rocky cliff that lead to the ocean. The stars sparkled over the calm water like an endless sheet of diamonds on a velvet blanket.

"Wanna see how fast I can climb this tree." Lance smirked up at oak.


"Or you could race me?"

"I'm not gonna race you." Keith rolled his eyes.

"Cause you know I'd win." The tan male teased.

"In your dreams maybe." Keith started to get a little flustered.

"Oh yeah? Then prove it."

   They stared at each other not making a move. Then as if a bell had rung they both rushed up the tree. Lance's long arms made it easier to reach the tall branches however once Keith made it up his smaller agile body was able to weave through the branches much quicker till he eventually made it to the top where he could once again see the ocean. Lance caught up and sat on the branch next to him.

"Looks like you were right." He huffed. "You were faster."

"Naturally." Keith hid a proud smile.

"Its a really good night to be stuck in a tree with you." Lance said softly.

"I actually agree." Keith shrugged. "Climbing the tree was really worth it."

"I know Im a genius." Lance laughed. "It was kind of a Welcome to the Team kinda thing."

"Climbing a tree is your way of welcoming me to Voltron?"

"Uh, yeah?!" Lance became dramatic. "But... Are you happy to be a part of Voltron?"

"Happy?" Keith thought it over. "I was very surprised that the princess asked us. I am still not sure about it, but I am honoured, that she would trust us. But also.... It means... I don't have to be seperated from you."

   Lance's face began to glow bright red and he looked away holding a hand over his mouth.

"Are you laughing?!"

"No?! Of course not!" Lance sat up. "That was just.... So cute."

"Oh shut up!" Keith pushed the tan male. "I'll push you out of this tree."

"You loooove me." Lance cooed. "You wanna loooove me. You wanna cuuuuddle me. You'll never leeeeave me."

"Shut up!"

"Awe come on Mr. Grumpy pants." Lance held Keith's hands. "No one's more happy that you're here to stay then me."

"I'm sure." Keith rolled his eyes.

"Hey." Lance tugged his arms forcing him to look into his eyes. "I mean it Keith, I care about you, a lot."

   Keith began to shake, he was afraid of how he felt but he didn't want to let go.

"Lance." He gripped his hands. "Let's get down."

"What? How come?"

"I want to... Hug you."

   Lance smiled softly looking down to the ground.

"Alright, I want to hold you too." He said starting to crawl down the tree. He paused looking back up. "Oh and Keith."

   The pale male looked down at him as he also started to climb down.

"You look good in red."

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