Lotor's Part

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   While everyone was busy organizing to fill the pool, the handsome prince Lotor walked the halls alone. His pace was slow, as his mind wondered, trying to grasp his next move. His motive was still the same. He wanted his father out of the picture. But to do so, he needed help, and from what he had seen so far, the Altean family seemed to be persuaded by trust and loyalty. He knew to get their hand. He would have to win them over. Or perhaps he only had to win one person over. It was clear that Allura was already warming up to him, but it was the others who didn't trust him. But why should they? His intentions had not been so pure in the past. His general almost killed Lance and Keith back at the House of Lions. Matthew was always open-minded, so he knew he wasn't someone he'd have to worry about. His next target had to be someone that everyone trusted. He knew Shiro wouldn't work out well. His brother had seen him at his worst. Pidge was out of the question they had nothing in common. Coran could be a good person to have on his side, being the princesses advisor. Or perhaps Hunk, the man, was known for being kind and going with his gut. All these possibilities could begin to yield good results.

   Lotor paused when he realized he had circled back to the hall of portraits. He glanced over to see a painting of Alfor standing with the Paladins of old. At his side was a young, unscarred, almost happy Zarkon. The don had never explained what had happened between him and Alfor all those years ago. All he knew was that they became enemies, Zarkon eradicated the paladins, and he planned to do it again.

"Lotor?" A familiar voice echoed from the hall.

   He glanced down to see Coran moving towards him with a suspicious brow raised.

"Out and about, I see." He said as more of a judgemental observation than a pure one.

"Just taking in the scenes." Lotor admitted. "Alone?"

"I'm never alone." Coran shifted beside him, not explaining what that meant. "Ah, taking a walk down memory lane are ya?"

"Memory lane?" The prince raised a silver brow. "This was long before I was conceived."

"Yes, it was." The ginger agreed. "I thought perhaps Zarkon had told you of his Paladin days."

"Not once." The mocha male looked back at the paintings. "I found out about his relationship with Alfor on my own." He recalled.

"You know the Paladins started as something so small." Coran began to flashback. "I remember in high school, the five of them would skip class to tag signs on the city buildings demanding equality and justice from the police."

"Oh really?" Lotor was genuinely intrigued.

"Yup, but of course that led down some dangerous paths, the five had to make a lot of connections, and soon Alfor had turned his fathers trading company into something....... Bigger." Coran went on. "However, Zarkon wanted to get into the business of creating and selling drugs since the money was good. Alfor was willing to break a lot of laws, but he could never get behind something that hurt so many people, especially children." He let out a long sigh. "And that's what started the separation..."

   Lotor was a little upset by this. The drug scene was vicious in the 80s and 90s, but now it was a little more tame. Lotor had never had a problem with being a part of it since he himself and the rest of Zarkons men never took part in taking the drugs they sold. He had always looked down on the desperate junkies not caring about the consequences as long as they could pay.

"Back then, it was more about protecting minorities. But now..... It seems to be all about the money and protecting turfs." The mustached man sighed sadly, placing a hand on Lotor's shoulder. "Allura is beginning to trust you. So I would like to as well, please don't disappoint us, I couldn't bear to watch the families divide like that again."

"I will do my best to bring these families back to their former glory." The prince declared.

"Good." Coran stepped away. "Well, you enjoy the house, I'm going to head back for a light snack."

   Lotor watched the man leave a little lost in what he should think. What was once a way to spread the word for equality had now become a petty fight for money and power over the city. He was conflicted, and for the first time in a long time, he didn't know what he wanted. He looked back up at the photo, moving his eyes a few down to see another picture with Alfor and Zarkon. In each of their arms, they held Lotor and Allura before they were old enough to have memories of one another. Maybe the next generation didn't have to be like the one before.

"Princess." He said softly in a light haze.

"Yes?" A voice answered, startling him.

   He quickly turned around to see the woman in a white blue and pink bathing suit holding a plush towel in her arms. Her thick white hair was done up in a neat bun over her head.

"What are you doing?" She stepped closer to him.

"I was just......" He looked up at the painting once more, not quite sure himself. "Thinking, I suppose. Are you heading to the pool?"

"Yes, would you like to join me?" She smiled brightly, then let it fade when she remembered breakfast. "It's alright if you're still not comfortable."

   Lotor let a soft smirk cross his dark lips as he stepped towards the princess.

"I think I will." He agreed.

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