A New Player

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   The five returned home with no problems or any sign that they may have been followed. Hunk and Lance immediately took Marco to the infirmary, while Keith and Matt stayed with Lotor so he couldn't escape the scolding he was going to receive from the princess. Allura appeared with Shiro and Coran at her side, entering the hall. No one said a word as she stepped down the staircase, glided towards the three males, and stopped in front of the Galran prince.

"Lotor." She began. "You were already on thin ice. Why did you leave the castle and risk our people getting found?"

"I apologize, princess. I knew that leaving would cause you to trust me less. However, when you told me of the plan, I was afraid it may be a trap, so I left to assist them." He explained. "I promise we were not followed, and I am ready to receive punishment."

   She moved her eyes past him to Matthew. "Is Marco alright?"

"Yes, Lotor thankfully had the key to the door of the cellar he was locked in." He said, keeping the fact that Keith had got caught out of it.

"Keith, what are your thoughts?" She looked to the red paladin.

   Keith's dark eyes widened, a little surprised that she was asking for his opinion. "Well....... He did help." He admitted.

"Matthew, Keith. You are dismissed." She waved them away. "Shiro, Coran, you as well."

"Princess?" Coran and Shiro said in sync.

"I'll be alright. Get going." The white-haired woman repeated herself.

   They said nothing more as they all walked out of the hall, leaving the two alone. Lotor closed his eyes, swallowing his regret as he prepared to be removed from this world. He took in a deep breath, but before he could let it out, a hand touched his mocha cheak. He opened his violet eyes to see the beautiful reflection of crystal blues. He stared upon the princesses calm face, lifting his hand up to meet with hers. She smiled softly, staying there a little longer before sliding her fingers out of his grasp.

"I'm glad you're okay." Her gentle voice soothed. "You can go as well."

   She turned away, leaving a baffled Prince Lotor to his thoughts. It had been a long time since a woman was so sincerely kind to him. He stayed there a moment longer, pondering over going after her but decided he would return to his room and try to get some rest.


   Keith and Matthew had decided to go to the infirmary to check up on Lance and Marco before bed. The night had been long, and soon the sun would be rising. They turned the corner to see Lance and Hunk standing in the hall. They were quiet, Lance's face was serious as his gaze burrowed a hole in the floor in front of him, while the large man at his side rested a hand on his shoulder for comfort. The other two men met up with them with empathetic smiles.

"How's everything going?" Matthew spoke up first.

"He's gotta few cuts and bruises. But luckily, nothing is broken. He just needs some rest." Hunk explained.

"What about you, Lance?" Keith moved closer to his partner.

   Lance looked up slowly. It was obvious his mind was running wild, but that was to be expected in this sort of situation. Seeing Keith's worried face made him feel a little better, though.

"I'm alright, we got him back, that's all that matters." He sighed.

"Do you wanna head to bed? It's almost 4am." The raven haired man displayed his phone.

   Lance thought it over. He wanted to stay with his brother, but if he did, Keith would surely worry more than he clearly already was. The cuban male stepped forward, taking Keith's hand.

"Yeah, I'm pooped." He agreed. "Thanks for your help today, Matt. Have a good night, you guys." He waved, then pulled Keith away, heading back to the rooms.

    Hunk glanced over to Matt curiously. "So I heard Rolo and Nyma got out alright too."

"Yeah, they still haven't called me about it." Matthew remembered. "Maybe they'll text me in the morning.... I'm gonna take this drive to Katie. You should get some rest, big guy. It looks like you've been waiting up for us all night."

"I will not confirm or deny that." Hunk chuckled.

"See you for breakfast, man." Matt nodded, and the two also went their sepperate ways.


   Rolo and Nyma sat quietly in a black and silver car with their rescuer. They had no idea where they were going, and when they tried to ask, the woman would say nothing. The sun was now coming up above the mountains, which made the two in the back yawn when they both realized how early it was. The mysterious driver did not catch the contagious yawn as she slowed down the car to a stop. Rolo and Nyma looked around wondering whether they were about to be scolded or killed. The scarred woman turned around in her seat, taking a look at the two in the back.

"The Lion's hideout is just up this road. This is as far as I can take you." She reached into the glove box to pull out a black business card. Upon it was a violet shiney disproportionate S laminated on the front and a number on the back. "Give this to Princess Allura. We would like to help her in ridding this city of Zarkon and the Galra."

"What? Who are we supposed to tell her you are?" Nyma reminded.

"We are The Blade of Marmora. That is all you have to know. Now get out before someone spots us." She shooed them away.

    The two did not hesitate to get out of the vehicle. As soon as the door was closed, the woman made a U turn and peeled out of there. Nyma looked over the card carefully before looking up at her partner.

"Should we just toss it?" The blonde asked.

   The man swiped it from her fingers, afraid she would do just that.

"It looks like the Lions could use all the help they can get." He put the card away safely. "Come on, we don't know how far we gotta go, so let's get moving now."

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