~Before you read~

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Sorry for the people who actually have no problem with this book.

I'm actually tired of reading negative comments on here, and I feel as though they are not needed. Just the other day some girl called me out of my name for no reason.

I've said plenty of times before the book isn't great in the beginning, but it gets better. If you're going to talk trash go somewhere else or have valid reasoning.

I haven't did anything to anyone, so therefore you're hateful remarks aren't needed.

If you chose to overlook the extra stuff in the beginning thank you because not everyone is a great writer at first.

Some of the people making these remarks don't even have the talent to be making fun of other people.

So think before you speak sweethearts.

Anyway thank you to everyone who has supported this book it means a lot to have so many votes and reads.

I hope you guys have a lovely day!

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