Chapter sixty-nine

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Dedicated to memesfordays21


"So?" Max smirked at me once the movie was over.

"So what?" I looked at him wearily while he leaned down to kiss me.

"Stop it." I giggled and pushed him away.

If you're wondering what is happening right now, let me just fill you in about what we've done for the last few hours. After deciding that we really needed a break after all those things Max told me about, Max suggested that we should watch a movie.

After two to three movies, we got tired of just sitting around and our asses were seriously starting to get the form of a square. Just kidding! Mine is still sexily rounded but I don't know about Max, though.

Stop being sassy about your bum!

Shut up!

I slipped out of his embrace but his arms wounded around my waist again and he pulled me back in his lap.

I gasped and squealed when his right hand almost sneaked up my exposed belly. Stupid pervert hand.

"Just craving for your hug, babe." he pecked my right cheek while I rolled my eyes at him and his cheesy lines.

I giggled and faced him.

"I need to tell you about something else, Shelly." he seriously stated after some time, the fact that he used my name sent a chill down my spine.

Well, you can't really blame me, he only uses my name when he's serious.

It's time to continue our discussion that we left midway. However, as much as I want to hear the real truth about everything, I wasn't really looking forward to learn more after knowing about Max's father.

I leaned back and sighed in relief when he tightened his hold on me. I would always find myself comfortable and safe in his arms.

"About what?" I find myself questioning him.

I struggled to swallow the lump that has formed in my throat but I stayed quiet and waited for him to tell something.

"Aiden! He's part of my father's gang. That's why he's been following me around, trying to cause troubles and all but he's been following everything that my -

"That your father has been ordering him to do, right?" I asked him and he nodded in response.

Wow! Like this could not get any interesting.

Aiden! That asshole is really gonna pay for his deeds.

"Babe, listen to me. You have nothing to worry about. The guys and I will handle this, so you don't have to -

"Just shut up, okay? You can't just tell me not to worry. Like seriously, how -

"Shelly, please. This is my problem and you don't have to poke your nose in any of my business that doesn't concern you, okay? Can't you just -

"It is my problem too and you can't deny the fact that -

"That what? Huh? What are you trying to say? That I'm the one who brought you in the middle of everything? Then go -

"What?" I whispered while getting up and shook my head in disbelief at him.

I can't believe he just said something like that.

Is that how it was supposed to be?

"Shelly, look, I'm s-sorry -

"Go!" I muttered.

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