Chapter forty-five

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This chapter is dedicated to maha_1896 as she was the first one who commented her answers on the previous chapter...

Happy reading ^^


I hurried to my dance classroom when the bell rang at the end of the day, signalling the end of the school day.

Well, it wasn't the end of the school day for me, I have my after school dance classes which starts as from today. Our dance teacher gave us a day off yesterday since it was the first day of school.

I have been waiting for this years' classes. I don't know why but I just couldn't avoid dancing since I started dancing in eighth grade. Well, let's just say that I developed a tiny miny little bit of passion for dancing.

A tiny miny little bit ?!!

Okay! Okay! Not a tiny miny little bit but a great and immense passion for dancing and I can't help but feel thrilled while walking toward my passion.

I just don't think I would be able to live without dancing.

It's just like expressing your own feelings while dancing and it always felt better after dancing your pains and bad feelings away. I don't know if a normal person would understand how I feel when I dance. I mean like only a dancer would understand a dancer. Maybe? It's just a different kind of feeling and we were always taught by our dance teacher that and I quote ;

"We dance to express and not to impress!"

And that's how I began dancing with the flow of the music, feeling and understanding the lyrics of the song without caring about the bystanders around me.

I pushed the classroom door which swung opened and I walked in to find all my dancing classmates already there, some sitting, some standing by while going through their phones. I chuckled at the sight and closed the door once I'm fully inside. That's the sight which I missed during my summer holidays.

We could have continued our dancing classes during the holidays but our teacher had to go abroad to her parents' home. So, that's how we couldn't dance at all. But I danced every single day to strengthen my dancing steps and I also learned some extra dancing steps and other dancing styles. My favorite one is the hip-hop one and break dance styles which I combine together to form my own form of dancing.

I know! I know! You must be wondering how the hell can a pathetic loser, nerd and a nobody's favorite dance be the loudest and dangerous kind of styles? Dangerous? I don't know but everyone would probably expect the nerd's dancing style to be the freestyle one. Well, I don't dress like a dancer and I don't feel the need to behave like a dancer because I know dancing comes from inside and I don't like to show off.

And then I know hip-hop dancers' clothing styles are different from normal dancers and all. Like the badass kind of thing but I really don't like to show off so yeah and I think St-Xavier's high schoolers should really pay into consideration that one should never ever judge a book by it's cover. Like they did and are still doing to me, naming me nerd, geek or whatever the names are all about. Like really! I have been telling repeatedly that if I'm the kind of students who just want to get the hell out of this school for once and for all by getting my straight A's, then whether they name me nerd of whatever they feel like really don't affect me.

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