Chapter twenty-two

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This chapter is dedicated to AileenDelgadoWrites as she was the first one who commented on the previous chapter.

Happy reading ^^


I felt all of them staring at me and I smiled sheepishly and I swear it was a forced smile as I squeezed Max's hand more tightly.

And of course, Sandy was also sitting here!

Oh hell! No way!

I just wish that the ground will open up and swallow me right then and there.

Oh hell no!

Why should I sit here?

Has Max lost his mind, or what?

"What's wrong?", Max whispered.

"What's wrong? Are you kidding? You dare ask me what's wrong? What am I gonna do? I barely know anyone. They will find me wei -

"Stop!", he squeezed my hand slightly and smirked at me. Oh how much I want to wipe that smirk off his face.

I glared at him and slapped his hand away, breaking his grasp on me. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked away.

"What the hell? You -

"Hey, stop harassing my little sister", Alex yelled, got up and raised his hand to slap Max on his right arm but he stopped midway as Max sent him a if-you-do-that-you-better-run-away-before-i-kill-you look.

"I was only saying", Alex said softly, looked down and dropped his hand by his side, afraid of facing Max's wrath.

You may be afraid of Max but I am not afraid of that so called bad boy!

I turned back around and slapped Max on the back of his head. His head wiped toward me with such a force that I thought his head would have fallen down, his eyes wide with shock which soon turned into red ones, angry ones like hulk. I would have laughed if I was not in such a situation.

Oh oh!

Silence! Total silence!

The whole cafeteria was like in mourning or what!

"Run!", Max said through clenched teeth and narrowed his eyes at me.

"What?", I asked a bit confusedly.

"She is surely gonna have it today. She thinks she can control Max. Lol! Max is only gonna have some fun with her and then off she goes! She is just a nerd! She must have lost it when she slapped Max! This is like the most shocking news that we have ever had at St-Xavier", Sandy sneered loud enough causing everyone to look at her.

Some snickered at what she said while some only look at her as if what she said meant nothing.

Alex looked as if he could grab anything to slaughter her right then and there!

I looked down, avoiding everyone's eyes. Maybe that's true! He is Max Jackson! He would never be interested to even talk to me. And to be friends is like out of subject here!

"I said run!", Max said again but now I could tell that he was taunting me, completely avoiding what Sandy has said.

That a**hole! Ughhhhh!

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