Chapter fifty-eight

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Follow on Instagram : infinitepeacexx

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We both fell on the hard floor with a big oomphh sound echoing throughout the whole cafeteria. Everyone gasped and stood up, rushing to form a circle around our table to watch the what? ... Is it a free-cost show? Like really! It is not some soap operas for crying out loud. Can't they just mind their own fucking businesses? Oops! Did I just swear? Well, I think these freaking bad boys are really having an effect on me. I think I did swear before during these three weeks. 

"No" I snatched the small white bag out of Max's grasp.

"No, these are mine!" he tried to push me away but failed miserably.

"Liar! These are my babies." I slapped his chest repeatedly.

"You liar! These skittles are mine." he caught my wrists, stopping me from punching him again.

"You stole them from me!" I cried out in disbelief and frowned at him.

"Stop lying!" he snatched the bag from my tight grasp and hid it behind his back, away from my curious and angry sight.

"You little thief -

"I'm not a thief, s -

"You kept my babies away from me for so long -

"These aren't your babies. They're mine -

"No mineeeee -

"Stop screeching -

"Ungrateful little bum -

"Oh really? Then, what are you? You -

"Sneaky bastard -

"You're really gonna get it from me now -

"Give me my babies -

"And why should I? They're my babies -

"Ugh -

"What? Here! Take it... " he swayed the little bag in front of me.

"Ah.... " I jumped on top of him again and landed in his lap.

"As if!" he swung the little white bag back and forth from his right hand to his left hand.

We kept on wrestling each other on the cafeteria floor, with nearly everyone watching us, some with shocking expressions, some amusingly, while some awed at us, looking at us like they are watching two cute little puppies fighting in mud. Like really!

Others were watching us with distaste and anger, perhaps they can't disgust the fact that we are having a nice time, sitting around a table with the bad boys. Well, let me tell, that's not the truth. Max has stolen my babies. I am so not having a good time right now.

"Stop it, guys!" Aubrey shouted at us and tried to pull me off Max.

"Leave me!" I cried out loud and shrugged Aubrey's hands away.

"You guys are acting like kindergarten's intolerable little kids." I heard Ryder muttering from behind.

"I can't believe this!" Jake exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yeah Shelly! Go get him...

"Shut up, Alex! You're only encouraging her -

"So? What kind of brother would I be if I don't support my sister, h -

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