Chapter twelve

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I can't seem to stop thanking you guys for reading 'MNN', voting 'MNN' and commenting on 'MNN' ^^ it means a lot *.* let me tell you also that 'MNN' reached rank 191 in Teen Fiction.. It keeps on rising and this is all because of the support you guys have been giving to 'MNN'.. Thanks again *.*

And as for this chapter, it is dedicated to @anjio as she was the first one commenting her answer first on the previous chapter..

Happy reading ^^


"Shelly", Alex whined like a girl for the eleventh time or maybe a lot more.

I turned around and grinned sheepishly at him.

He came out of the store that we currently shopped in, with bags filled with clothes hanging on his arms while he looked at me with raised eyebrows and pouting like a five year old.

"What? We are almost over, Alex. Come on", I waved at him to hurry up.

"But, just look at me", he exclaimed loudly and raised his two arms horizontally, as if classifying his point. I frowned at him.

"Yeah, what?", I asked, trying to figure out what he was trying to say with a slight grin playing on my lips. I am so loving his plight right now.

"What? I am currently carrying more than twenty bags among which only two are mine and to top it all, the rest are all yours and you are asking what as if you don't know!!!", he whined, throwing his hands up in the air out of frustration.

"B-b-but, I am not done yet", I pouted slightly.

I am not the shopper type but I think I get over board when I have to buy clothes for school. And also with my mom being a fashion designer, I am usually forced to go shopping like every Sundays. Like really! So, shopping gets boring for me. I already have my closet filled with clothes but some new clothes would make me feel even more confident for my first day back at school.

"What? You are not done yet? Just remind me never to go shopping with girls again", he said, shaking his head from side to side while looking up.

I glanced up but saw nothing that special for Alex to stare at, up there, or rather admiring the shopping mall roof. What's the matter with him?

"What are you doing?", I asked confusedly.

"Praying, you dimwit!", he smacked my head lightly.

"What the hell?", I rubbed my head while glaring at him. He chuckled and smirked at me.

"Oh, so, the little nerd can swear, huh? And yeah, stop being a drama queen, I did not hit you that hard", he snorted jokingly and nudged me with his right shoulder.

"What the matter with you giving me nicknames? And I did not swear and what prayer? Why are you praying in the middle of the shopping mall?", I whined and stomped my feet in frustration.

"To make me avoid meeting girls like you and to make me think twice before asking a certain cutie for shopping together again", he said slowly.

"So, are we back with cutie now, huh, are we?, I asked and winked at him. He narrowed his eyes amusedly at me.

"Yeah, what can I do? You are too cute, cutie", he did his little act again, stressing over the cuuuuuuu and finishing with the tie by pouting.

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