Chapter forty-four

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This chapter is dedicated to Fairwars as she was the first one who commented her answer on the previous chapter...

Happy reading ^^


And this is how all humor went out through the window and I glared at Max who immediately raised his hands up in surrender but I couldn't avoid the smile which was threatening to show up on my face due to the fact that Max freaking Jackson is afraid of me. And that's how, I melted and smiled sheepishly at him and he chuckled once again.

"Get up!", he held out his right hand again and I seized it tightly to pull myself up.

"I'm tired!", I groaned and covered my mouth with my palms while yawning.

"Oh really? You don't look tired to me.", Max frowned at me and opened his locker to keep his things. When did we even reach his locker?

And my locker was a long way down this hallway. Ugh! I hate this. I'll have to walk there. I pouted annoyingly and crossed my arms over my chest. I know that I'm being a little bit whiny right now b -

A little bit whiny? A lot more than that !!

Shut up!

"What's wrong?", Max asked once he turned around to look at me.

"I'm tired!", I groaned again and pouted at him.

"Babe, you really don't look tired to me.", Max muttered and raised one eyebrow at me. Gosh! I swear he looked so sexy when he does that. Nope, that's not the right moment to think about his gorgeous self and calm down, heart. He called me babe so what? Stop trying to kill me with the uneven heartbeats! 

"I woke up early this morning.", I deadpanned and glared at him.

"And -

"So?", he asked and frowned again.

"And that was because of you and Alex.", I added and let my bag fall on the ground. Heck, it's so heavy.

"And this bag is really not helping. It's so heavy like hell and ....", I continued on talking but stopped when I saw Max grinning boyishly at me. Gosh, don't swoon, Shelly. Don't you dare swoon!

"Like what you see, babe?", Max smirked at me. Conceited hot asshole! Wait what? Hot?

So, you do admit that he is hot!

Nope, I don't!

Yes you do!

No I don't!









Wait, you just tricked me.

"Shelly, you there?", Max waved his hands in front of my face, breaking me from my mentally annoying debate trance.

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