Chapter sixty-two

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Hello guys...

Follow on Instagram : infinitepeacexx ( please follow! I usually post things about MNN over there and I need your cooperation, guys! )

This chapter is dedicated to  damnitzmxa ...

Happy reading ^^


Listening to Max's soothing voice calmed me a little bit but the swirling emotions in my stomach said otherwise. My mouth went dry and I clutched on my phone, keeping in mind that it's my only weapon around.

I know I'm being stupid but you can't really blame me, I'm scared shirtless. Anyway, Max listening to everything through the phone was enough to calm me down, he would be able to figure out what's going on and may be get here as quickly as possible if something was bound to happen to me.

I took a deep breath and took another step forward.

It's now or never.

More gunshots were being aimed and fired at me as soon as I was right in front of them running like an idiot. I dashed up the remaining steps to get inside, the gunshots trailed behind me, almost getting me in the way but it all stopped once I was fully inside. Luck must have been on my side since I managed to dodge all the bullets in time.

At least, that's what I thought.

Just when I thought it'll all be over, my left ankle twisted on the stairs. I yelped when I lost my footing but I managed to hold myself properly before plummeting downstairs. Thew! That was so close call to death. Even though I wouldn't have died with my sudden fall, well, I could have broken a few bones but I would have definitely died if whoever out there would have rained me directly with bullets as soon as my broken ass would be lying out there welcoming him.

"Shelly -

"Max" I huffed out a sigh of relief when I noticed Max holding his right hand out for me. I squeezed his hand hastily and he pulled me up the remaining steps. I clung onto his shoulders like a leach and I felt his arms circling themselves around my waist. I welcomed the warmth it gave me and pulled him more closer if that was even possible.

The gunshots started yet again, banging against the main door which led to the main hallway. Though the windows were shatterproof, the sound those bullets made when they would banged against it, was so loud and deafening. I winced slightly, not at all familiar with the sound of gunshots being fired again and again.

"Please, Max, make it stop!" I screamed in agony, my chest had a burning sensation from yelling out so much.

"It's okay, babe. I'm right here." Max whispered, hugging me more tightly while grabbing a handful of my hair to keep me close to his chest. With my right ear already pressed up against his chest, he covered my left ear with his right outstretched palm and it smoothed out the noise a little bit. I tried to control my beating heart which seemed ready to burst out of my chest in a sprint.

A lone tear fell down my already damp cheeks.

I just wanted a simple life .... but not everyone can have it.

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