Chapter fifty-one

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Hello guys...

Follow on Instagram : InfinitePeaceXx

This chapter is dedicated to lost_souls01 as she was the first who commented her answer...

Happy reading ^^


"You've been loving me since ninth grade?" I tried to whisper calmly but my heart was jumping around like a mentally disturbed person who just escaped from a mental asylum.

Max loved me since so long and I was so clueless about it.

'That's because he never told you, idiot!' my conscience nagged. 

Right, he never told me. I couldn't help but wonder why?

"I- I mean no! Uhmm... Yeah! No wait I mean no! Shit! This is s- so fucking hard. I mean like fuck! I started liking you back then but that feeling soon developed into something much more.... " he trailed off, a frown appearing on his face.

"Does that make any sense?" he asked slowly and quietly as if he was talking to himself. It's nice to know that I'm not the only idiot. He talks to himself too. I think everybody does it.

"I mean like I had a ... um .... c - crush on you since ninth grade but you never noticed me. I tried to make you jealous a few times but you never really paid any attention to me. I even freaking kissed Sandy in front of you to make you jealous but I think you never look pass your books, huh?" he chuckled while his cheeks deepened to a tomato red but he did cringed when he mentioned his kiss with Sandy. Like really! His face was worth looking at right now.

At first, I was so shocked that I stood frozen like an idiot, staring at him, with wide opened eyes and with my lips slightly parted. After sometime, I realized that he had a disappointed yet hopeful look on his face while he waited for my response. I smiled at his sullen face and cupped his face in my hands.

"Aw, really?" I pinched his cheeks and shook his head from side to side slightly while I cooed. I could not resist it. I had to do it. He's too sweet. I couldn't believe the bad boy had a crush on me and that too for such a long time. I guess that I had a secret admirer and I was so dumb that I never noticed the reasons behind his player actions. 

"Stop it!" he slapped my hands away and pouted.

"I love you." I kissed his pout away and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love you too, babe." he pecked me again and pulled me closer to him.

"I don't know what would have happened that night if you wouldn't have saved me. I don't -

"Shelly, it's okay. I just want to forget about that night." he reassured but his hug was enough to erase all the fears and doubts from me and the comfort that it offered felt astonishingly good.

"How did you get me back home that night? Wait, you knew where I stayed that's why you moved in next door, right? You -

He pulled away but held my arms and kept me at an arm distance from him.

"What? No, I kinda asked your best friend, Aubrey and please before you start cussing her, I forbidden her from telling you that it was me. I really didn't know where you lived.. I think it was merely a coincidence that I moved in next door. I swear I really didn't know. It was my mom who -

"I believe you, Max and I bet you forbidden Linda too, right?" I asked him and crossed my arms over my chest with what I believe would a questioningly look on my face.

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