Chapter fifty-three

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Hello guys...

I'm really really very sorry for not updating! I was really..... puffs! I was doing my revisions and then, I just needed a break from school stuffs or anything related to it, so, I just took a break!! I was damn tired! But sorry again guys! Now, I promise I'll update like I used to...

This chapter is dedicated to Ivybones ...

Follow on Instagram : InfinitePeaceXx

Happy reading ^^


"Max!" I cried out of fright and quickly got up.

"Max!" Aubrey gasped and stumbled on her own feet again. This girl is so clumsy. She was staring blankly at Max, with her mouth and eyes wide opened like a goldfish. I turned back around to look at Max who was staring back at Aubrey like a deer caught in headlights.

How the hell did he get here? Haven't my parents seen him entering through the main door? They would have never let Max come up in my room so early in the morning. Even though we are sort of a couple now. Yeah, I know that they have been really cautious whenever Max would be alone in my bedroom and whenever they would catch Max sneaking through the window of my room, they would make both of us sit in front of them to talk about teenage pregnancy. Like duh, I don't think Max and I would do such a stupid thing. I mean, we aren't that stupid. 

Well, Max has been a great boyfriend so far. Shocked? Yeah, I know. Max, being the womanizer and baddest boy of St-Xavier high school, has proven that he can be a sweet and loving boyfriend and yeah, he still gets over possessive sometimes but I kind of love it. I know that you might find me weird for loving his over possessive side but I do. Well, I think every woman needs a man with a little Christian Grey in him. What say, huh? We have been dating since three weeks now and I seem to have known Max all along. We are so much alike yet different but we do appreciate our uniqueness and try to compliment our contradictory views on something. 

Aubrey, being Aubrey, returned back from her grandma's place a lot later than intended. Instead of returning back on the second week of school, she came back on the third week. Her flight landed like after midnight yesterday and instead of being asleep at her place, she landed at my place. Heck, I don't even know how can someone be so energetic when she has just traveled such a long journey. She had to be jet lagged but well, what can I do? I was still trying to gather up the tiniest effort to tell her about Max and I's relationship but she just had to pop up when I least expect it. 

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