Chapter forty-seven

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This chapter is dedicated to Nonitualau123 ... Well, all the guys who commented first had a chapter already dedicated to them, so, I thought about giving this chance to Nonitualau123 whose answer came after them ...

Happy reading ^^


The hot breath on my face, combined with the deep husky voice had me paralyzed and stunned for a second. I simply looked innocently at him, not understanding what he is saying. After a while, my face filled with instant confusion and realization. How would I know what Greg said? I don't understand that language.

"Shelly, I'm asking you something." he yelled in my face and stepped even closer. I noticed his nose flare as he stared down at me. 

I involuntarily flinched in fear and my heart skipped a beat when his grasp tightened around my waist, pressing his hips into mine. His right hand reached up and held my chin to make me stare straight up into his eyes. I gulped once my eyes met his. Compared to his other hand on my waist, his slightly calloused fingers griped my jaw in a light hold. Why was Max like that was beyond my understanding. 

"Uh, Max," I stopped to swallow the lump that formed before continuing but his hold around my waist tightened and I gasped in pain. 

"Max, please! You're hurting me." I choked and grabbed his arms to push him away but I couldn't no matter how much force I would use.

"Shelly, don't make me repeat myself." Max snarled with his tensed jaws.

"Max, please! Leave me." I wiggled out of his arms and pushed him away.

"Why are you behaving like that?", I shouted at him while clenching my fingers in a fist by my sides.

"What do you mean?", he roared back and stepped forward but I instantly stepped back in fear which froze him on the spot. He glanced at me in disbelief.

"What do you meanIs that so hard to understand? I asked you why are you behaving like that?", I fought my fear and fired back while crossing my arms over my chest to stop my inching fingers from punching him in anger. 

"Like what?", he grunted out while running his fingers in his hair and fisting them frustratingly. 

"Like some possessive boyfriend!", I deadpanned and wiped at my cheeks, wiping away the first tear which managed to flow down my left cheek. Damn you tears! That's one thing about me. Every time I'm angry, my eyes would unconsciously tear up and no matter how much I try to hold those tears in, they would show up. 

"That's because I am your boyfriend!", he bellowed, as if he had to yell to prove this.

I'm really not deaf, you know?


"Stop it, okay? Just stop it. You don't own me, Max." I glared at him and squeezed my fisted hands tightly to ease some pain away.

When he stepped forward, I held my right fist to his chest and pushed him back slowly. He hesitatingly stepped back with his eyes looking me up and down in agony. Two emotions shifted back and forth on his face. His anger and his affliction when he noticed my apprehension at this point. 

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