Chapter seventy-one

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Follow me on Instagram : infinitepeacexx

Happy birthday to me!

My answers to the previous questions :

1) What skill would you like to master? - Maybe singing!

2) Who's your go to bands or artists when you can't decide on something to listen to? - Hehe! That would be my favourite kpop idol group named GOT7 and also, their leader's single composed songs, I just love their songs and his voice...

Dedicated to tishiepie28


I looked past my right shoulder and frowned. No way! I did hear someone approaching. I'm hundred percent sure that someone has been following me since I left school. I turned back around and quickened my pace. I gulped hard and speedily walked while skipping once in a while to get away.

Why? Just why did I have to stay back at school to revise for my upcoming exams? Why? It's so dark out here and that stupid Max did not even come to fetch me. He left me alone to fend for myself and who was making big big talks about protecting me. Protection, my foot! I mean, who even needs protection? I'm fine by myself, yeah right. See, I'm even wandering around in dark tunnels. I shuddered once I entered inside. Who knows what might be residing in the darkness?

It's only the first semester, and who's even gonna revise for this? His voice ringing clearly in my mind. I should have listened to Max. This exam is not even our final exams. I think I have taken it a little bit too seriously.

You think?

Shut up!

Why do I feel like it's taking me an eternity to get home? I want to cry. Where are my parents when I need them? Oops! They are back at work and that too in Singapore this time. That's when something clicked in my mind, yes! Liam! I can call Liam and ask him to come and get me.

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and scrolled through my contacts when someone snatched my phone out of my hands. Thinking about thieves, I opened my mouth to yell out when someone else grabbed me from behind, closing one of their palms over my lips, cutting me off. However, I still screamed out in fright but my voice was muffled. I tried to struggle but the grip around my waist and arms was way too tight.

Talk about being the best foolish person who has ever walked the streets. That would be me at the moment. You might be asking why, well, I took a long breath. You might even ask, well, what's so wrong about this? Everyone does it to be alive. It's a natural thing. However, any person in their right state of mind would have known that you shouldn't breathe in whenever a wet piece of cloth is being pressed up on your mouth and nose, so that's why I should be given the best foolish person award, because I am. I did breathed in and that thing kicked in almost instantly. I could feel myself losing consciousness, everything starting to blur. Slowly, slowly, slowly! And, then boom, everything turned pitched black as if it wasn't already dark inside this tunnel.

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