Chapter two

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Francisco Lachowski as Max Jackson above ^^

Follow on Instagram : sneha_rah19

Happy reading.


"Shel", I heard my mom's voice loud and clear and soon, someone was shaking me. Like really shaking me in my bed. Hey, I'm trying to sleep here, woman!

I groaned and turned my back to the pair of hands. I covered my ears with my two little cushions. Oh, how much I love them. They really help me in the mornings and definitely in situations like this one. 

"Shel, if you don't wake up right now, I won't give you any breakfast", she warned. Completely ignoring the underlying threat in her voice, I couldn't help but think that her voice is like a siren. I winced and shit, I've got a headache already.

"Mom, two minutes.", I whined and cuddled more into my cotton pillows. I hummed in pleasure. Is it only me or does the bed seems more comfy and soft in the mornings? Right when we have to wake up? Just then, I heard my mom opening my window and letting the sunlight in. I groaned again in frustration. I covered my head with the blanket and tried falling asleep again but I couldn't.

Heck, my evil-like mom has already woken me up, so why not wake up early for once on a Sunday morning? Damn right, you guessed it. I am so not a morning person. If I get a nice and full sleep, I would get up by myself but since I slept late last night, I am feeling so lazy to wake up. 

"Shelly Jessica Anderson, will you wake up?" Oh no! I quickly hummed in response and sat up in bed. I glanced around my room with my half opened eyes. Sunlight was streaming through the window, turning the sheer hangings around my bed filmy gold. I checked the time. It was nine o'clock. Seriously, mom? Nine o'clock?

"Really mom, you woke me up at nine o'clock on a Sunday morning?", I couldn't help but whined. I pouted in annoyance and sighed, I really needed my beauty sleep. It's only on Sundays that I get to sleep a bit more. Unlike on school days, I have to wake up at seven o'clock to get ready for school.

"Shel, stop acting like a 5 year old. You have to wake up. Your father wants to go and meet the family that moved in yesterday. Let's go welcome them into the neighbourhood. Come on, get up, you lazy bum.", she pulled at my arms. 

"I'm up, I'm up.", I muttered while pushing her prying hands away and moved to get up. 

I pushed the hangings aside, jumped out of bed and made my way to my inter-connected bathroom while thinking that last night wasn't a dream after all. My senior year will start tomorrow and I was really not in the mood to go waste my time welcoming them. Well, I'm not selfish, okay? I just wanted to prepare myself for tomorrow and also, that's something that my parents should do, not me. 

It's my senior year after all. I want to make the best out of my last year. Even if I am not popular at school, well, that would be a lie as I tend to be a bit popular all thanks to my best friend who is one of the populars. I also have a few more friends, like my dancing partners and some classmates who are nice to me at school but being popular isn't really my thing so I tend to avoid anything associated with it. I wanted to go shopping today for my school materials. I have to buy a few clothes also. It was summer and I needed some more summer clothes.

I entered my turquoise and white tiled bathroom as I thought about how I would make this school year special for me and my friends. I brushed my teeth and studied my face in the small squared mirror. I was not gorgeous like the queen bee of my school. I was well... okay.

I don't have words to describe myself. I am good as I am. I don't like to show myself to others. I don't like to be the center of attention at school. Unlike the queen bee, Sandy, she really likes to be in the limelight at school. Every boy fall at her feet, begging her to be their girlfriend.

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