Heroic Verse Rhyming Lines

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Something Deep Down

There are some things that I try not to mention

Things I hoped once no one would ever know

When I was younger I longed for attention

I wanted to be an admired hero

But I learned that heroes in books and in movies

Are not always like heroes for real

I thought I had to be tough and unruly

And never allow myself to feel

Now when I think of a hero I don't think of actors

Because I think of Uncles and think of my Dad

Men who worked hard and were my protectors

Between my family and everything bad

I have an Uncle who spent 40 years sailing

In service of our Danish homeland

Yet he still stands by his wife who is ailing

Though he once had a much bolder command

I also like to look at my father

And how he raised my brother and sister and I

Some would have simply not bothered

To have taught us three to reach for the sky

And now the three children have done so very much

Though sometimes times were not easy for us

Thanks to my Dad who came through in the clutch

Because he worried and pestered and fussed

My Dad to me is a true Viking

Just like those who battled dragons and demons with sword

Though he let us live all our lives to our own liking

And he let me love and serve Jesus as Lord

Sadly my father and Uncle will pass on

Two Uncles have left us already

That's the sad thing about being an icon

Brave acts can often be deadly

But I'm pretty happy that I have had my parent's siblings

Pretty joyful to have had my Dad

Even the lost one still brings

Memories of the good things we've had

And I know that no one who loves with their whole heart

And body and spirit and soul

Will pass the gates and be apart

From the loved ones that make them whole

So forget about being a tough guy

Forget about who has the most cash

Think of others and truly ask yourself why

Life has become a hundred yard dash

Instead be the man who goes the whole distance

Though it may be hundreds and hundreds of miles

To be a true hero you must have a true heart and persistence

And your payment is in your true loved ones' smiles

Leif Gregersen

May 18, 2014

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