(my end) 💋

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Your Perspective

It's dark out.
My day is complete.
I'm happy for all that I've accomplished today.

In my months of dating Seok Jin,
in my months of escaping the brothel,
in my months of finding who I was,
...who I used to be,
I've become who I am now.

I'm whole,
I'm anew,
yet I don't forget where I once was, who I once was.

I don't forget Tea,
she's a part of me.
I don't forget Sarah,
she's a part of me.
I don't forget Cya,
she's a part of me.
Even Duke,
he's a part of me.

The life I lived is different to what I live now, but in both there are positives and negatives I learn to overcome. I learn, I fight, and I have it all happen with Jin strongly by my side.

Like a checklist,
Every day,
I make my life less scattered,
no longer a mess.

Smiling into my phone, I jump around in Jin's dress shirt. Naked and having snuck into his dorm-room as his bandmates sleep, I prance around, my legs bare, and watch Jin brush his teeth in the bathroom that has its door wide open.

He stares at me as I skip around,
he knows I'm staring at today's checklist.

"Get everything done today?" he asks muffled, his mouth foamed.

Jin looks handsome. He always does, but there is something about him getting ready to nap and cuddle with me that I find most attractive. When he's stressful and comes to lay from his busy schedules, I always find it fitting for him to sleep; sleep next to me. Sleep in my arms.

"Basically, yes." I smile, waving him to hurry as I hover over the delete button.

I'm about to delete the note for today.
I'm about to delete my life, my life for one day that I had written as a reminder.
I'm about to delete it.

As I do, I sigh, squint my eyes cutely and open a fresh new note

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As I do, I sigh, squint my eyes cutely and open a fresh new note.
I need to write for tomorrow.

The door opens.
I jump,
almost dropping my phone to the ground when I meet eyes that widen from my presence.

Yoongi. Min Yoongi mumbles a "Hyung, I need to talk to you about you eating my food today, I-" then he stops, sees me, and has a mouth-opening realization when catching that I'm partially naked before him. Cheeks red, he looks away with an apology. "I didn't know you were here, I-"

"Yoongi-ah!" Jin laughs, spitting into the sink, washing his mouth and moving to help me out from this sudden ambush.

Jin hugs me from behind, head resting on my head as he winks over at Yoongi. "Say what you want, don't shy away now." Jin's amused and I nudge his chest with my elbow, seeing the man by the door slowly collect himself.

"I uh, I wanted to tell you to quit eating my food." He's trying to be harsh and stern with his words, but me as a surprise in the room throws him off.

I smile a little. But then I nudge my boyfriend again, "Quit eating his food."

Jin groans, "Aye, stop hitting me yah. You weren't around to eat so I had to make arrangements." He whispers this flirtatiously, kissing the side of my face as I flinch, giggling but my eyes wide over him talking such ways with Yoongi still present.

As expected, Yoongi clears his throat, looks to the floor and tries to seem bored when he clearly is a blushing mess.

"Sorry about him."

"N-No, I understand," Yoongi sings out, smiling tightly at Jin, "Hyung's finally got a woman. I'm happy for you all."

I then smile, my eyes narrowing at those words. "And so does Hobo, Namjoon..." I can feel Jin's hands hug be tighter when I say the next with him. Both of us simultaneously saying, "and you."

Yoongi looks like a beaver that just got his teeth ripped out. Face pained, expression shocked, an attack settling to brew is seen at his eyes. "What?" he breathlessly says, staring at Jin with slight disbelief.

"I had to tell her," Jin immediately chuckles, "She's my girlfriend."

"Hyung..." Yoongi's jaw clenches.

I smile, cocking my head to the side when seeing how sorrow-filled, frustrated, stressed, and saddened Yoongi's structure looked. Words slip out of my mouth, words that mean a lot. I say them comfortably, knowing Jin's arms are there to protect me and none can protrude such a bond. In my loving boyfriend's arms, I soothe, lean my back to his chest, feel his lips bury into my hair...

"What's your story?" I ask, eyes curious when meeting Min Yoongi's.

I rub the tops of Jin's hands above my belly button. I hug and squeeze him back, catching Yoongi think to himself while I lean back, arch my head to the side and kiss Jin's mouth with a sweet peck. He smiles into the kiss, and I think;

...because mine seems to have come to a happy end. My nose nuzzles Jin's.

His laughter echoes my ears when he lets me go,
attending an awkward Yoongi who is frozen by the door.

Jin kisses the air, teasing Yoongi as he goes for a hug and grabs the cranky member by the shoulders.

I smile, from a far.
I watch,
and I think.

~I laughwhen he laughs.
~I plan to kiss when he kisses.
~I wish to hit the bed to lay later, when he hits the bed to hover later.


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