(2) h-horny?

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Your Perspective:

I no longer grab the silky robe. White and slipping off my skin, I don't stop it from falling. My feet halt in the centre of the silenced room. My eyes on his. His eyes that are awkward and wide when staring at my naked body.

He sits at the foot of the bed. The anxiousness written in his eyes. I can see he wants me from the way his pants tighten from lust, but there is a part of his brain that tells him this is wrong. I can see it in his gaze that struggles and fights to search my body.

My bare feet step to him. Slow and seductive I make my steps. My practiced smile that I've shown other men and women from my work comes forth. I will give him tonight what he paid so highly for. This is my life, this is my body, and now he is in control of both.

The sweat at his temple increasing with each step I take. The pits within my gut find it adorable but I do not act on this cute admiration I have for the nervous man I near. I stick to plan, I stick to business. I hope this isn't an act. I hope he doesn't hurt me tonight like others have on occasion.

Standing in front of him. My knees are naked and touch his that wear jeans. He stares at my bare thighs, my bare middle, up to my stomach, breasts, neck, and hair that falls. Sarah, my boss,  and the girls (the others) helped paint my makeup so I am presentable for this man who paid well.

I am naked.

His want for me grows, overpowering the conscious-thought that tries to stop him.

He clears his throat and I tilt my head with a playful glint in my eyes. I want to chuckle so I do. He amuses me. He is nervous and I want to know his name but I do not talk until he makes the first move.

He smiles. There is pain from awkwardness of the situation in his eyes and I note that this is his first time with a woman like me.

Bowing his head, he says, "I'm Seok Jin. What is your name?"

"Y/N (your name)," I reply, bowing my head back slightly. My ankles dance flirtatiously together as I sink for the greeting.

Jin's nervous smile is now a laugh. "I-I, h-hi Y/N, nice to meet you finally."

"You've been holding off on meeting me for a while," I say with uncertainty. I don't want to say anything that will make him mad. "Were you nervous in meeting me? Or has your schedule been tight?"

He laughs his nervous laugh again. "A bit of both." I see how hard he swallows. The bulge at Jin's pants grows and my nipples harden in front of him. He sees my hardness competing with his and blushes before staring at my face, and only my face. "Honestly speaking, I don't quite understand what has brought me here. I'd never thin—"

Jin stops himself before he can offend.

Too late. I am offended. But more so, I am amused. Being treated as the lowest of low is not new for me.

So I giggle and shake my head, telling him to relax. My hand pets back his hair and my legs move between his that part while sitting on the bed.

Jin's throat moves in a gulp and I admire his efforts to be gentleman-like when he stands suddenly. My nipples rub his shirt as I gasp and step backwards from sudden startle. Jin blushes, forcing his eyes to stare at my face.

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