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Your Perspective


Tea takes me shopping today. It is a new day, I look forward to eat with Jin again. Something about this day felt different, maybe even magical. But then I roll my eyes, pinch myself from being so sappy, and whine for Tea to stop teasing.

Tea helps me pick out a dress that is heavy on the costs.

I remember getting looks from the workers there, snobby and judging when Tea pitched in to buy the dress for me. I didn't care for their looks however, all I looked forward to was Jin looking at me later.

Back at the hotel, saying a loving goodbye to Tea, and holding the rest of the day to my imagination was what consisted.

There was a large smile on my face that didn't diminish.

Jin's Perspective

I can't smile even if I tried.

Exhaustion takes course while practicing the entire day, getting to the dorm to shower and laying for a nap. The events of today at the back of my mind, as I play interest to what I need: sleep and rest.

I wake at 6 in the evening, hearing muffles of excitement cloud with concern, while the living room ignites. As I groggily head out, rub at my eyes and see what the fuss is about, vision is swallowed by Yoongi who is back from his disappearance.

"Yoongi-ah?" He doesn't hear me say this. The man is too busy being overwhelmed by the other members who crowd and question.

I sit on the couch with Hoseok. He's staring up at Yoongi with just as much curiousity I hold.

I overhear their conversations.

"Where have you been?" Namjoon asks first, "You missed practice..."

"You've been acting weird on top of the lates, hyung," Taehyung joins in.

"I'm fine. Just sick." Yoongi mumbles before glancing quick in my direction.

I smile reassuringly at him. I don't question like a nagging mother, I don't even speak. The others do it for me while I give him soft eyes. There is something clearly wrong with him, I wait. I don't pressure him to tell me until he gets brave enough to do so himself.

By the lingering looks he gives me, the luck of his lips while he nibbles in nervousness, is a clear hint. Yoongi will be telling me soon. I'll wait for him to be ready.

He nudges away from Namjoon when the leader mentions BangPD wanting to talk to Yoongi. The rapper's shaggy hair bounces with him as he nods, Yoongi throws up a peace sign and walks backwards in the hallway.

"What's going on with him?" Jungkook whispers, watching Yoongi leave out of sight.

"I don't know," Hoseok sighs deeply, "But whatever it is, have him not disturb the sick girl in Taehyung's room."

Namjoon hardens, tense and staring at the ground. I watch him before looking over at Hoseok who is sighing but relieved in some ways. His life seems to be orderly and in check. I'm happier for him as time progresses for his relationships...Namjoon on the other hand, I have no idea what's going on in his head.

I've got too many problems of my own to be worrying about another, unfortunately.

They chatter and speak with one another. I sway away from them and focus on the clock in the room. The time nears half of 6 and it takes me a moment for commitments to arise in my head. My brows jump, my palms suddenly feel clammy, and I jump up quick.

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