(7) new client

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Your Perspective


I feel scared and numb to my surroundings. Even Cya talking doesn't effect the way I react, walk, or in this case, get dressed for a night with a new client.

"She's gone again," Cya scoffs, "so much for staying and keeping track of business."

Tea is next to me and she rubs my shoulders with lotion. I want to close my eyes and be relaxed to her touches. She is mother-like, always and forever. I guess it is obvious to her how stressed I am. "There must be a reason for why Sarah is gone again."

"You know what this means right?" Cya is grinning, staring at me and ignoring Tea. "Duke's in again."

I ignore her in similar ways she doesn't glance at Tea. Cya's grin is bit back by her teeth. Her nose in a slight snarl position, although the sound doesn't come out.

"When is he arriving?" Tea asks.

"Probably tonight," Cya's lips are red while puckering them. "You know... when Y/N will be busy with some new client. I'm guessing he ain't gonna be a sweet one like the cutie you let go."

"Cya behave yourself." Tea scolds as always.

I'm anxious. It feels as if I'm new to this job all over again. But then again, this is practically every night. Cya and her words of reality aren't helping my situation either.

She grins. "I'm just getting her prepped for her night that starts in," her eyes wave to her wrist dramatically. Her wrist has no watch. "In a minute! Wahh, a minute! You excited to meet the new scumbag for tonight?"

My lips part. Before I can snap back or say anything, Tea comes forth with her words, "Cya, leave."

The girl with cat-eyes, long hair, and small hips smirks. She tilts her head, pouts, and then turns from the threshold of Tea's bedroom. "But don't worry," Cya teases one last time, "if your idol-boy comes back, I'll show him a good time instead." Her hips sway, while walking away.

"He won't be coming back." Is all I say.

Tea stares at me before helping me into my robe. I place it on and turn to face her.

"You'll be fine," she smiles but there is worry in her eyes. I wonder if that worry is because of her seeing the new man before I got the chance to even glance.

I gulp. "You resting tonight?"

"Sarah ordered for my rest the entire week. It was a violent night," Tea whispers, breaking the wrinkles of my silk. "I just hope it doesn't happen again to any of the woman here."

My voice is so soft. "...like me tonight?"

She stops. Her hands go to her sides and I see the worry in her eyes peeking away from the hidden curtains of her pupils. No longer hiding her worry, she nods.

"You saw him?"

"He doesn't look to be sweet. Be careful tonight."

I nod. I want to cry.

"You'll be fine. If it's anything you can't handle, run out."

"I can't," I say with my heart on my tongue, "Sarah isn't here. If Duke's here and I run out, he'll simply push me back in for longer periods of time. He doesn't care the way Sarah does. He won't protect me the way Sarah does...just like how he didn't protect you." My eyes water.

Tea doesn't say anything to my ramble.

I close my eyes, adjusting the breathing at my lungs before moving in a rush towards her door.

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