(18) the evil maknae-line

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Jin's Perspective


"Ah, old man doing old man thingssss!" Jungkook sings out, slamming my door that is now locked for the night.

I lock it so they won't come inside and harass me all the entire time. But my plans to remain away are short-lived when they find loopholes and yell from right behind the door.

"You got someone inside with you? Or is that not how it works?" Jungkook chimes again, "OH YEU-AHHHH!" The maknae is a very extra individual.

"Here I was stuck on the strip clubs!  You've grown to new levels! Wahhh, what a dirty old man!" That is Taehyung. He slaps the door, and his grin can be heard even past the muffling of phrases.

Jimin is simply laughing throughout the whole mess. He makes no remarks but doesn't help, just laughs and tries not to snort when the two class-clowns banging my door, keep taunting.

Namjoon and Yoongi are...I don't know where they are. They're stressed over their own matters, I don't expect them to have the time to tease me uncontrollably like the maknae-line.

"Leave me alone," I mumble.

"Pay us like you have those women!" Taehyung hums, "Then we'll leave!"

I throw a pillow to the door. "LEAVE NOW OR ELSE—" I holler, hearing them laugh while running away; like children they are.

It's hard to sleep this night.


It's hard to wake this morning.

I feel for a shower.
Jungkook comes in to pee.
He leaves, while I'm tense and forget how to breathe.
But as he drags his feet, before I can exhale, Jungkook sings, "Wash up, dirty dirty uncle~!"

For such a beautiful harmony, the lyrics anger me instead of bringing me to tears from the awe I should feel.

I feel for cereal as breakfast.
I spill the milk a little, just a little.
Taehyung grins from across the table, watching me clean up my mess.

I never thought one could make a joke about milk regarding my situation, but the boy manages to do so. Taehyung smugly whispers into his mug while sipping his water, "Looks like you've got practice cleaning white liquids."

I drop more milk from shock of such words leaving a mouth I thought to be fairly innocent still.

Jimin, well, Jimin is in the sidelines of both situations. You guessed it: laughing his ass off.

I feel for lunch.
I make sure I don't touch any white liquids or foods. Most of what I stick to is lettuce, spinach, and meat. As I munch on my food, Jungkook chews obnoxiously and stares at me.

He grins.

"You chew meat well." Jungkook starts, and Taehyung comes in for the punchline, "I wonder where he learned to eat meat well."

I almost climbed on top of the table, wanting to attack the two and shove bread down Jimin's throat that once again, laughed.

"Yah!" Hoseok scolds, glancing at me being held back by Namjoon who hushes the table quick.

I look at Yoongi who is eating softly. The man is probably glad that all teasing and attention is on me, so none would be on him for question. I don't blame him for wanting to be low-key...plus, it's not like the maknaes would ever tease Yoongi for longs periods of time. I'm an easier target!

I feel as if Hoseok and Namjoon have my back.
I feel like they have my back until Hoseok goes,

"Tease him after we've got Namjoon's girl safe and sound." There is a mischievous grin by the idol's lips.

"Hey!" I screech.

"Yes," Namjoon says, cracking a slight smile even if he is stressed out, "Wait until I can climb onboard the bandwagon."

"I'm sure hyung had many climbing on his bandwagon." Jimin spoke. Jimin finally took a jab and that was my final call.

Slapping a lettuce piece into my mouth, I chew obnoxiously as well, mimicking Jungkook as I stand to my feet.

"Good night!" I sing out, letting them know my irritation as I wake off.

"Aw, hyung come on!" Taehyung sighs out.

Jimin's smile falls a little, just a little but his chest is still moving rapid from laughter.

"Let him be," Namjoon chuckles briefly, "He needs the rest." The leader arches his head and watches me walk exaggeratedly into my bedroom.

As I close the door behind me, I can still hear them chatting and laughing. Rolling my eyes, the tiredness I hid from the day catches up to me, while I stall in front of my door.

"It's Okay Jin," I try to soothe myself, "let's sleep. Don't let them get under your skin~" I relax a little, stepping backwards and staring at my bed.

My brows furrow lightly at how changed the temperature is in my room in comparison to the outsides. Catching a drift blowing the curtains in my room, my eyes focus on my window which is wide open.

Eyes widening, I glance everywhere in my room. I see nothing, no one. Insanely confused, my steps are cautious as I go to the corners to close it and secure my room from the chill that relishes in the dark night outside.

I shiver. Feeling goosebumps from the slight horror I feel, and the coldness that hits me.

Walking backwards to my bed so I can nap, or at least lay and strangely eye my window in concern, I'm unable to do any of that when I trip over a foot that has me stumbling backwards.

I hit the bed.

My eyes widen and I try to scream out but hands instantly capture my voice from leaving. My mouth is behind a hand that mutes me.

There is a weight on my stomach and chest. The individual sits on me, detaining me under them; flat on my bed, dominating me.

The face I see makes my eyes widen further.

I say the name. But it muffles at their palm, making me sound like a weakling who is terrified of the outcomes to come.

"Surprise!" The voice chimes, loud.

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