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I don’t know if every person with Amnesia feels like this or if it’s just people injected with a special Amnesia serum but remembering was the most painful yet relieving experience of my whole life. It all happened when I woke up. As I woke up I gasped for air like a person taking their first breath after almost drowning. As I filled my lungs with air images flashed before my eyes. Everything I had forgotten. Everything I missed. Everything. It all came back to me. My 5 missing months finally reentered my mind. After everything was back in my head I stopped inhaling and started coughing. It was more of a dry heave. My head starting banging and everything was spinning. I gripped onto my head and waited for everything to stop. My friends rushed to my side realizing something was wrong.

“Are you ok?” They asked in scared unison.

“I’m fine. Meeting. Now. Conference room. Tell everyone.” I said shooing them away. They rush out of the room and I sat curled into a ball for a while. Some things are still coming back to me. So I sit, and I wait, until my thoughts aren’t jumbled and my head doesn’t feel like it’s going to explode. As everything settled down, the room stopped spinning, my chest didn’t hurt, my head didn’t feel like it was going to explode, and I could, as clear as day, remember every single thing that happened over the summer. I remembered leaving Jerry’s house, to getting captured, to being accepted as one of them, all the training and missions in between, to leaving. I remembered Alex. A pang entered my heart as I did. Tears pricked my eyes. It was more than just 5 months of falling in love again. I got up and put on some clothes and brushed my teeth. I didn’t want to speak to people with my gross morning breath. As I walked out I noticed something on my window. It was a note. I opened the window and go the note from outside.

I’m here. I think we should talk. I’m going to be out in the garden until 10. If you’re not there I know you don’t want to talk or see me ever again. I hope you come. If you don’t, I understand. –Alex.  I rushed out of the room and ran into someone.

“Jerry?” I said stumbling a bit.

“Hey. I remember everything.” He said looking at me.

“I do too.” I said looking up at him. “That’s why I called for the meeting.” I said taking his hand and dragging him to the conference room. I opened the doors and everyone looked over at us.

“Oh, wow. Hey guys.” Jerry said looking at them. Tyler rushed over to me and hugged me.

“Are you ok?” He asked looing down at me.

“Yea I’m fine.” I replied nodding.

“Good.” He said kissing my forehead.

“We remember our summer. Every single last detail.” I said sitting down at the head of the table.

“Really?” Jess asks.

“Yes.” I replied nodding.

“So, what do you remember?” Headmistress Morgan asked looking at me.

“Well first of all yes I was captured by the circle. Not getting into the details right now, I ended up gaining their trust and becoming one of them. After pledging allegiance to them they inject you with this serum to make sure you stay loyal to them. I heard that they will continue to inject you if needed, but I didn’t need another injection. They apply larger doses depending on the circumstance. I don’t really remember my dosage, not important right now. What’s really important is who I saw there.” I said looking at them

“Who’d you see?” Jade asked before I looked over at Jerry.

“Our fathers.” I said slowly.

“You’re what?” They all said in surprised unison.

“Our dads.” I said looking at them.

“So they are alive? In the circle’s secret headquarters?” Headmistress Morgan  asked looking at me.

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