Book Name: Eternal Love of Forbidden (Book 1)

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Title: Eternal Love of Forbidden (Book 1)

Author: unknowncapitalL

Rating: 7.5/10

Status: Work in Progress

Authors Description: A story of a star crossed lovers. Two persons came from different worlds, two worlds in war. Good and evil. In the middle of a war there eyes met, the gravity was gone, their hearts are already intertwine, no battle can ever tear that love apart. This is Eternal Love of Forbidden, welcome to the world where I'm starting to live in. Inspired by the authors: Stephanie Meyer, William Shakespear and Cassandra Clare. to the said authors: Thank you, thank you so much.

My review of the story: 

Recaranation of people and a mix in supernatural breeds.

My Thoughts:

Firstly in the description is not where you start thanking people and telling them who inspired you to write the book. You make a beginning chapter and you do a dedication there, sorry but yes those writers are good but it doesn't belong in the description. Your title wasn't very catchy, no offence. It sounds a little cliche. Your work needs to be split up into chapters so then it's easier to read, i hate just scrolling down and finding the 'preference' under 'Table of contents'. I like how you used quotes and the descriptions but try adding a little more adrenaline to the story. You also need to explain things like 'shadow hunters' properly because remember for people who haven't read 'The Mortal Instruments Series' or the 'Clockwork Series' are likely not to know much about them. So background informationn is important and also I would really like to know what your cover picture is and how does it reflect back on your book. ANother thing that gets me in your writing is when you do things ike 'I woke up dreaming and thinking about her' isn't that a little cliche and the dreaming and thinking means the same thing in this context, revise over your work properly. This book does have potential but you've got a while to go till you get it perfect.

Pointers to Audience: 

- An average story that is a perfect story if you arent too picky about mistakes. Have fun

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