Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

The next morning I woke up breathing heavily. I dreamt that Luke had intentionally killed Aaron in front of me and I had been so heartbroken. Aaron had shown up in a date that me and Luke were on and tried to tell me to leave with him but I was torn between what was right and what was wrong. Luke ended up becoming extremely frustrated, whipping a gun out his back pocket and shot Aaron clean on his right temple! In a way, part of this dream showed what my predicament was like right now.. Torn between Luke and Aaron. After all the horrible hints Aaron had made about Luke and all the gestures Jason made to push me closer to Luke, I wasn't sure which Cooper was correct...

"Hey." I said shyly after opening the door to a very handsome Luke. I told myself to ignore everything with the dream and the Coopers, and go with what my head told me to do, which was to get to know that really nice guy standing in front of me.

"Hi." he said with an extra cheeky grin. "You look beautiful."

"You, too." I replied.

"are you blushing?" he asked with his mouth gaped open in shock. He bent his head slightly so he could see my face that I had hidden under my mass of hair. "You're so adorable when you blush."

I didn't say anything for a while so he simply laughed and turned to head for the car.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going yet?" I enquired. He hadn't even gave me hint since he asked if he could take me out again. We'd been driving for almost an hour and my bum was killing me from sitting down so long!

"Did I ever tell you that you're extremely impatient?" he chuckled lightly. "We're almost there."

I groaned at the thought, he said we were almost there twenty minutes ago. I couldn't take it any longer! "You're killing me! Where on earth are we going?"

"How do you know we're not going to Jupiter?" He tried to keep a straight face but failed terribly.

"It's not funny, I'm starting to think you're taking me somewhere that no-one will recognise me so you can kill me and leave my body." I regretted those words as soon as I said them. 1. It reminded me of my strange dream and 2. Luke laughed so hard he nearly crashed the car and killed us both! "Woah, calm down before we both die!"

"Aw, god, you're hilarious. Seriously, we're nearly there. It's just passed this cut off and you'll love it! It'll be worth the wait. I promise."

"But my bum is numb!"

"Don't pout like that, you're killing me with all your cuteness!" he whined. I felt myself blushing slightly at his words. "Your bum will love where we are going anyway so tell it to behave."

We both laughed at his childish words. This was why I loved being with him because everything was a bundle of laughs and I didn't need to pretend to laugh either!

"Why it so far away then? I mean, how do you even know about this place? Whatever this place is.."

He screwed his face up a little, probably deciding if he should tell me or not. "My grandmother used to stay in this town before she passed away and we used to come on holiday for a few days to visit when I was little. I'm taking you to her favourite place to take me all those years ago."

I hadn't expected that at all. Startled, all I could say was, "oh."

"We're here." he said happily, pulling up in front of a small Italian restaurant. "Fancy some lunch?" I just nodded.

We made it into the restaurant without speaking a word to each other. I didn't know what so say and I felt like I had upset him by pushing for more and more details. I just couldn't find words to say. He didn't bother taking my hand like he had every other time. In stead he had his hands in his trouser pockets when he came round to my side of the car to greet me.

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