A Month Later.

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Laura's POV

It's been a month since I talked to Ross, let me tell you this it's the most amazing decision I ever made. I've turned 19 already in November, I didn't have a big party Raini, Calum, Saffy and Toby came along to have drinks out with me. Today is the day that Olivia blossom Lynch is coming to the world, yes I have decided to put Ross's surname as her last name as well just wanting a part of her to be his as well. I've met someone knew as well his name is called "Dean", he is perfect to me we've been going out a while and I met him in November out in town from then on we have been together for a couple of weeks and he isn't like Ross which is amazing he is really into his English, he had brown hair, really smiley and romantic when it comes to days out with me. 

Damon, Saffy have gotten very close together and let me tell you that I think he is the best thing for her. I think sometime this month he is going to ask her to be her girlfriend since they literally can tell each other everything that's how close they are and hes been a really good friend to her. Saffy has gotten a Job in Archery place near home which only takes around 15 -20 minutes to get there so she teaches around 14 up wards to shoot a Arrow at a target which sounds fun. Toby is friendly with Fin again which I knew he would be, this time they have be good friends again and I don't think Anthony or Connor have been mentioned as well which is prefect to all of us. He is working as well at a little cafe in town making drinks and is at the till. Vanessa is working a lot at her new modeling job but as a side line she also is taking photography for weddings, events at concerts. Although she has been busy with work she has made lots of new friends and she hasn't mentioned Rocky one single bit to any of us including Damon. One of her closes friends is called Eva, the boy she keeps talking about a lot of her time is called "Alfie". 

It's the morning , I got up walking to my wardrobe getting out a sweater and jogging bottoms with socks and my underwear walking to my bed taking off my Pj's putting my clothes on. I picked up my phone, walking to the kitchen making myself some breakfast. Once I got to the kitchen I looked up and saw Damon in the kitchen making pancakes for us all or himself "Hello early bird" I said to him smiling brightly, he looked at me and laughed "Morning Laura how was your night?" he asked me with concern. I sighed "Same old same old really not  as bad in the morning though the morning sickness was the worst" I replied to him, he nodded "Well I can take you to the hospital when you need to today" he said to me nicely and I smiled at his happily "Thank you Damon" I replied to him kindly. "So what's for breakfast?" I asked him, he looked at me "Our daily pancakes" he replied to me happily "YES, Has Vanessa gone to work already?" I asked him confused because she doesn't start till 9. "Well I think she is having  shower to impress Alfie you know how she was with you know who" he replied to me making a joke about it. "Hey no fair guys. I don't tease you about Dean or Saffy" Ness replied to us with a smile on her face, Damon and I laughed not containing my stomach was hurting a bit. "Guys" I said controlling my breath slowly, they looked at me and Damon looked up from his pancakes he was cooking "Laura are you okay?" he asked me, I kept on breathing and looked at him "I don't know Damon" I replied to him and he turned off the cooker walking to me quickly and he helped me to his car "Ness you go to work?" he said to me her, Ness smiled at me "I'll come after work okay?" she replied to me and I nodded to her. 

Ness opened the door for Damon and me, making it to his car which is old fashioned. He opened his door for me and I got in carefully with him shutting the car door after I got in, he walked to his side getting in putting his seat belt on and I put mine as well. I got my phone out, looked through my messages finding the only person I needed right now Ross but I knew it wasn't the right time to tell him about Olivia blossom Lynch so I scrolled through finding Dean's name. 

D: Dean Me

 "Dean when you see this please come to the hospital quickly she is coming" I sent to him.

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