Boxing Day

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It's the day that families come around to see everyone but Vanessa and I have to go to college. I got up, stretched my arms out wide and walked to my closet. I opened my doors, and walked in looking what I wanted to wear today blue and white basketball top, blue jeans and a brown hoodie over my top that I'm wearing with and some shoes.

I heard a knock on my door, I quickly got dressed into my day clothes

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I heard a knock on my door, I quickly got dressed into my day clothes. I heard a knock again on my door "Come in" I said to Vanessa. Vanessa opened the door and came in dressed wearing a blue buttoned up shirt, white jeans, necklace and sandals.

"You nearly done?" She asked me, I looked at her nodding just brushing my hair and putting my hat on my head

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"You nearly done?" She asked me, I looked at her nodding just brushing my hair and putting my hat on my head. I grabbed my phone, and we both went downstairs to the kitchen and made breakfast .

We made breakfast it was just simple toast or cereal with orange juice. We ate it "So have you spoken to Rocky?" I asked Ness. She looked at me and smiled "No not since Christmas" she replied back to me. I looked at her and sighed "You should invite him to come over again?" I asked her. She looked at me and laughed "Maybe. What about you and Ross?" She asked me back questioning on me. "Not since Christmas but since I'm going to see him today. So hopefully I'm going to talk to him today." I replied to her. She nodded and smiled at me "I know you will make the right decision Laura" Vanessa said to me. "I know I will as well" I replied back to her. We finished our food, washed our plates, cutlery and put them away afterwards.

Once we are done, we rushed upstairs and got our bags, brushed our teeth. Once I was finished "Have a good day at college Ness" I shouted to her, I went out of my bedroom and walked downstairs. "I'm on the way" Vanessa replied back to me running down the stairs to me. "Don't you have to leave a note for Uncle, Aunt where we are" I asked Ness. She looked at me and shook her head towards me "No because they are not coming till we come back" she replied back to me. "Okay see you later sis" I said to her giving her a cuddle and she hugged me back. Vanessa looked at me and waved to me. I waved back, walked out the house to school.

I heard a car coming up behind me, turned around and saw it's Ross's car with his music out loud. I stopped walking and laughed a bit, he stopped his car rolling down his window "Can I take you into school" he asked me shouting to me. I looked at him and sighed giving into him and got into his car. He drove off, I put on my seat belt "Laura I know you your angry with me but you have to listen what I'm about to say to you" he started to say to me. I looked at him and nodded "Well I went out with other girls before you and I took them out like I doing to you but I only just realized when I took you to the beach for a swim in the sea and we came back to yours after that." He replied to me concentrating on the road. I looked at him angrily "Okay Ross but I still don't forgive you" I replied to him. He stopped the car and I looked out the window "but Laura I can't stop loving you" he replied to me. I looked at his sweet smile that appeared on his face. I opened the door, got my bag and started getting out of his car but Ross grabbed my arm and pulled me back in his car, I looked at him "What is it?" I asked him crossing my arms looking at him. He looked at me and smiled at me I just had to give in, try and be angry with him still "Laur. I love you" He said to me and my heart melted into a thousands pieces "Rossss" I whined at him, He looked at me giving a sigh and held my hand looking at me in my eyes and I'm looking in his at the same time and I know he's going to say something back to me. "Laura I love you" he said to me kissing my hand and I looked at him smiling. This right now is the best moment of my life I thought to myself as how much I love him and he looked at me and I smiled at him. He started to lean in towards me I leaned in as well and his lips pressed onto mine, it felt amazing that I love him. I kissed him back, we broke our kiss "WOW" I said to him.

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