✗Chapter 10: Halloween |Part 2|✗

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"I'm gonna try and sneak out tonight, so we can spend a little bit of Halloween together." You told Michael as your last lesson finished - meaning school was over for the day.

"Cool. My sister's supposed to take me trick-or-treating, so maybe we can do it together!" He sounded enthusiastic and you smiled, tickled by his excitement.

"Sure!" You agreed in a bubbly tone, wanting to go trick-or-treating with Michael. You used to go trick-or-treating when you were younger, but after your dad's death your mother coddled you like no tomorrow.

"Well I have my detention now. See you later (Y/n)." Michael shot you a saddened smile and you sighed.

"I wish they hadn't given you a detention." You hoisted your bag onto your shoulder as you felt bad for him.

"Don't worry, I've had loads." He shrugged, acting nonchalant about it.

"Bye Michael." You waved and left the classroom, missing him already. The only time you got to spend time with him was during lessons and at lunchtime - it just wasn't fair!

"Hey babe! How was school? Are you excited for Halloween?" Your mother was waiting at the gates, a grin spreading across her face when she saw you.

"Yeah, I love staying home and watching other kids go trick-or-treating." You replied listlessly.

"Do you know how dangerous Halloween is? 10% of kidnappings occur during this holiday! As if I'd let my child roam free whilst knowing that!" She exaggerated wildly; taking your bag and slinging it over her shoulder. 10% of kidnappings? Sure.

"So what do you want to do for Halloween? We could watch an age-appropriate movie, or play board games, maybe bake Halloween treats!" Your mother beamed as you silently groaned. They were nice ideas, but your freedom screamed at you to work your magic and go hang out with Michael.

"Sounds fun." You patiently responded, not really paying attention to her. Maybe you could say you were going to sleep early and then sneak out? Yeah, that could work.

So once you got home you started baking with your mother, singing to the music she'd put on and actually having fun. Producing treats like ghostly cookies and zombie cupcakes was entertaining, especially when you got to ice them! You could share these with Michael - he'd like them, right? It was the thought that counts anyway.

Then you got to dress up, your mother helping you with the tricky parts. Together you transformed an old puffy dress of yours into a ghost costume - a black face painted into the white ruffles. Then you slipped on a white hairband, the bow on it finishing the spookily-sweet look you were going for. Your mother clapped her hands and a happy expression slid across her face; clearly pleased about the finished result.

"Oh darling, you look amazing!" She pulled you in for a hug, delighted by your ghostly beauty.

"Thanks mom. Say, what time is it?" You faked a yawn and tried to be discreet - wanting to form your escape plan.

"It's 6 o'clock. How come you're asking?" Your mother wondered curiously.

"I'm just a little tired. I think my panic attack really took its toll on me this week...Mind if I take a rest?" You lied as you pretended to be tired. You usually didn't lie about your disorder, but it was for a good cause...right?

"Oh of course not! Want me to bring you anything?" She offered kindly, making you shake your head.

"No, it's okay! I'm just...gonna go to bed early. Night mom." You kissed her cheek and then climbed the stairs, trying not to appear suspicious.

Once you got to your room you sighed, feeling a little bad. Sneaking out was one thing - but whilst she was here? It would be even more difficult to pull the wool over her eyes...Unless you waited until she was distracted. Give it half an hour and she'll either be watching TV or doing paperwork in the kitchen. So you waited, reading a book whilst you impatiently passed the time.

After forty minutes you shut the book and grabbed one of your bags, slinging it over your shoulder as you prepared yourself for your grand escape. You gingerly opened your door, listening for any movement or worrisome sounds. None could be heard. All was quiet on the western front. With bated breath you tiptoed down the stairs and snuck into the kitchen - grabbing some of the Halloween treats you'd made earlier.

You shoved them into your bag and also emptied some lollipops in there - feeling giddy whilst you finished stealing snacks. Then you took two cartons of juice, placing them into the bag as well. Perfect! Now you just had to proceed to the hardest part of the plan; leaving the house. Moving towards the door, you froze when you saw your mother watching TV - her nails tapping against the sofa arm anxiously.

You took a deep breath as your hand grasped the front door's handle, being careful not to disturb your on-edge mother. You could always choose to go back to your room. But why would you? It was either freedom with Michael or be confined with mom. It was obvious which one your mind went for. You slowly pulled on the handle and opened the door, the soft sound still alerting your mother. Dammit!

"W-Who's there-?" Your mother's head spun around as she stood up, walking into the hallway.

Thinking fast, you sprinted out and flung the door shut - seeing your cold breath floating around you as you escaped into the festive night. Her frantic calling after you confirmed that she did spot you...meaning she'd punish you when you returned. Ah well, at least you could see Michael now, right? But you slowed down; curious and intrigued about all the kids and parents dressed up in costumes.

There were all sorts of Halloween outfits; zombies, skeletons, witches, superheroes, a bloody red riding hood, a wizard - the list went on and on as you spotted more and more, your eyes widening in complete wonder. It was amazing! They all held little candy baskets, chattering and giggling with one another whilst they had a whale of a time. How could your mother keep you from this?

This looked extremely entertaining, from the spooky house decorations all the way down to the mischievous music, making you excited. Suddenly a gentle hand touched your shoulder, causing you to turn around in confusion. Who the-?

"Are you out here alone? You're not lost, are you?" A concerned mother asked you, her calm tone being somewhat soothing.

"No, my mom's right over there." You lied and pointed to another woman - praying this one would take the fib. You seemed to be lying a lot recently, hopefully it wouldn't continue.

"Oh I see! Well enjoy your Halloween, pet! Let's hope you get treats and not tricks, hey?" She smiled and nudged you playfully before moving away, a sigh of relief slipping through your lips. Time to find Michael~

Hmm...now where would he be? You looked around the crowded street, wondering if he was even ready yet. Maybe you should wait by his house? Oh, but that would be weird - he'd probably think you were a stalker or something! It would probably be best to hang around outside until he appeared. On the bright side it gave you a chance to explore the exciting event around you.

You started by walking down the street, inspecting and marvelling at each house's decorations. Some were creepy, some were pretty, some were majestic and some were...interesting. However the differences only made the decorations more unique - the entire street lit up with a ghostly glow. The whole atmosphere was amusing to you, especially since you never really got to go to things like this.

This was your first Halloween in Haddonfield, and so far it was certainly interesting~

His Girl - Michael Myers x Reader {Rewrite}Where stories live. Discover now