Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Aleena Riddle Ch.28

         I looked down at my Hogwarts letter and a prefects pin was there in the envelope .it was beautiful, how did I get prefect? I've spent most of my waking hours planning pranks, and I get rewarded with a prefects badge? I grabbed my letter and jacket and went downstairs to meet Mrs.Figg, she had a toast and jam set out on the table and I went into the kitchen to pour myself some orange juice. Sitting at the table eating, Mrs.Figg and I discussed diagonal ally. "Mrs.Weasley will be taking everyone today so it might be less trouble if I go on my own, or Percy and I go on our own. That way she can focus on Ron, and keep the twins out of trouble." I stated.
"That sounds like a good idea, let me send an owl to Molly to see if she's alright with Percy coming over and you two going by yourselves." Mrs.Figg sent the letter with munch to Mrs.Weasley and began cleaning up from breakfast. I went upstairs to tidy my room before I had all this new stuff. It was a week until September first and I couldn't wait! I went over to my trunk and threw out all the broken quills and ink wells, and cleaned out the spilled ink. When I finished cleaning it I put my books from prior years on my bookshelf and hung up my old robes, they were to small so I had to get new ones this year.
"Alenna, Percy is here!" Mrs.Figg yelled up the stairs.
"Be right down." I answered. I closed my trunk, and grabbed my letter and coin bag, which held the key to my vault. I ran downstairs and greeted Percy.
"Hey Percy!"
"Hello Alenna. Thanks for inviting me to go with you. I can't handle the twins and Ron." He told me.
"Yeah I figured your mum would have her hands full, so I thought we were old enough to go by our selves." I said.
"Well, lets go then." He said straightening his coat. Making sure I saw his prefect badge.
"Nice badge Percy, I knew you'd make prefect." I complemented him.
"Thanks, did you get prefect?" He asked.
"I did." I answered.
"That's awesome." He said. He motioned to the fireplace, "you first."
I said bye to Mrs.Figg and stepped into the fireplace, I threw the powder down and said diagon ally, I was pulled through the floo system surrounded by green flames, till I ended in the fireplace at diagon ally. Percy followed shortly behind me. We went to my vault first where I grabbed more than enough for both Percy and myself.
"Alenna do you really need that much?" Percy asked me.
"Not for me, but some is for you." I told him handing him his coin bag I took from him.
"You didn't have to-"
"Yes I did, besides think of it as a gift for becoming prefect." I convinced him.
"Well thank you." He said taking the bag.
We left Gringotts heading to Flourish and Blotts. We both got our books along with some extra parchment, quills and ink. Then we headed to madame Malkins to get new robes. I also had a hole in my mittens so I got a new pair of those as well. After we both had our new robes we headed to the apothecary to restock on potion ingredients. While talking to Percy about what we he wanted to do as a prefect, I tripped over a cauldron and knocked over a shelf of potion vials. The store manager rushed over to me, grabbed the stuff I was going to buy and handed them to Percy as I got up and brushed myself off, he rushed me out of the shop. While muttering to himself loud enough for me to hear.
"Stupid, and clumsy, destructive, vandals, my beautiful shop...." he said while leaving me outside.
"Yeah I'm perfectly okay thanks for asking." I muttered grumpily as I had tripped over my own feet by being shoved so roughly. I noticed a sharp pain in my arm. After I had gotten up I noticed I had several small broken pieces of glass in my arm. "Ugh this is what I get for nothing!" I bit my lip as I pulled out the pieces and waited for Percy to join me outside with both of our stuff.
"Hey are you alright?" Percy asked as he handed me my things.
"Yeah, just a little scraped, thank you." I told him.
"No problem, so are we going to tell my mum about this?" He asked as we walked on through diagonal ally.
"Absolutely not." I told him sternly. "We'd never be able to go by ourselves again."
"You're right, but if they find out-" he went on.
"They won't besides they'll look over it when I tell them I'm a prefect." I guessed.
We finished off our shopping and went to go home. Percy stayed over for a little bit more as his family wasn't home yet. We ended up with me writing letters to Hadley and Oliver as well as my mum, and Percy flipping through the class books. After a while I put down my quill and parchment and asked Percy, "is there anything interesting we're learning this year?" I looked over to him.
"Huh?" He said looking up at me. "Oh, yeah well looks to be some interesting things."
"Like?" I motioned for him to go on."
"Well I don't know I was looking at the pictures." He admitted.
"Really I thought you didn't pay any mind to the pictures?" I smirked at him.
"well that's when I'm studying them." He told me.
I just laughed at him as an owl flew through the window and dropped a letter on his lap. The owl then flew into the closed window next to the open one.
"Errol, you old chicken." I laughed at the bird.
"I'll take him home, I'm heading there now. Mums home." He said folding up the letter and hugging me before grabbing his stuff and scooping up the old owl and waving goodbye. He was gone in the green flames and smoke.

 Alenna Riddle (Tom Riddles Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now