Chapter Twenty-One

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Alenna Riddle Ch.21

I headed towards Gringotts to get some coins for term and to buy some school supplies. I gave the Goblin my black emerald encrusted key.  He took me to my vault and opened it. I saw the disgusting amount of coins that my father had received from manipulating innocent people. I grabbed what I needed and took one last look at the piles of gold, and left.  I looked over my list of supplies for second year while I waited for Hadley and Oliver.
I needed,
*  The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2.  By Miranda Goshawk
* The intermediate Guide to Transfiguration. By Emeric Switch.
* A Compendium of Common Curses and Their Counter-Actions
* One Thousand MORE magical Herbs and Where to find them by Phyllida Spore.
* Magical Drafts and Potions Grade 2, by Arsenius Jigger.
* Theory Behind the stars by Martha Gillis.
Hadley walked up to me and soon after her Oliver came. Molly wouldn't let Percy go off on his own so it was just us three. We set off into the store, and bought the needed supplies. I bought another journal as mine was getting full. I got some loose parchment and some good quills. I got Merpeople: A Comprehensive Guide to Their Language and Customs, because it caught my eyes and I was interested. We headed to the Apothecary and got our potion supplies. Oliver wanted to go into the Quidditch supply store, so we followed him.
"My Dad said I could get a new broom, to take with me to Hogwarts." He exclaimed. He got the newest racing broom, the Comet 260.
"That's so cool." I said.
"Are you going to tryout for the team?" He asked.
"Me? No, I mean if I wouldn't get so tensed up and shaky, maybe but no." I said. I really wished I wasn't afraid of heights, but it's all my Dads fault, it always is.
"Come on what if you get used to being on a broom, you won't be as scared?" He tried to help.
"I would love too, but it still doesn't change the past Oliver." I said. He obviously took the hint that I didn't want to talk about it, and dropped the topic.
"What do we need now?" Hadley asked.
"Nothing important but it says we need earmuffs. Do you know what that's for?"Oliver asked.
"No idea." We said in unison.
We walked to where they said to get earmuffs. I got a purple pair, Hadley got a pink one, and Oliver got red. We went to get ice cream, and promised to meet up on the train. I went out through the Leaky Cauldron, and went to muggle London. I wanted to get Harry something useful. He was always in baggy clothes, 3 sizes to big for him and always overlooked by the Dursley Demons. I walked into a boyish looking store and looked around for what I thought a eight year old would play with. I got him some candy, and box of cookies. I also found a plain jar and put my extra muggle money in it. I was going to give it to him so he can save up, and if he needs to crash at the leaky cauldron one day when he finds out about who he is, then Tom takes muggle currency, or if he needs something that the Dursley's don't provide him with. I got a box, and some colorful wrapping paper. When I got home, I wrapped it. I made him a card, and gave him one of my extra calendars.
Friday a couple of hours before lunch I picked up two party hats, a cake, some pizza, and Ice cream. I went and got Harry from behind his house.
"Harry?" I called from the fence. I heard a bark, and saw Harry running out of the back yard, he climbed into a tree. Then I saw him come up to me.
"Alenna." He said. He gave me a smile, but he was breathing heavily.
"Happy Birthday Harry." I said leading him, through neighbors yards, and over fences to the park.
"You did all this for me?" He asked when he saw the table set up with the goodies.
"You deserve it kid." I said. "It's not everyday Mr.Potter turns eight."
"Thanks Alenna." He said and sat down grabbing a slice of pizza.
"Anytime, you know my door is always open if they give you a hard time." I said grabbing a slice of pizza myself.
"Thanks but aren't you leaving for school in a month?" He asked.
"Yea, but we can still hang out tons before I leave and Ms.Figg is just being boring so you keep coming over." I said taking another bite.
"Alright, so what are we going to do?" He asked finishing his pizza. I finished up my slice and gave him his present.
"Open it, Harry." I said.
"Alright." He pulled the paper off carefully, and pulled open the box. He picked up the jar of coins and his eyes widened.
"Alenna, you gave me money?" He asked.
"Yea, it's not much but, it will get you something if it were an emergency." I said.
"Thanks." He said, and pulled out the candies, and cookies. "Why'd you give me these?"
"So you can snack on them I know they don't give you much food." I smiled at him. He looked happy, truly happy. He looked at the calendar. He got out of his seat and hugged me.
"Thank you Alenna, I love it." He said.
"No problem Harry." I said. We gathered around the cake and I lit the candle.
"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Harry, Happy Birthday to you, and many more." I sang. "Make a wish."
He closed his eyes tight and blew the candles out. He opened his mouth to tell me what he wished for, but I interrupted.
"You can't tell anyone your wish or it won't come true." I said quickly.
"Got it." He said. I helped him cut the cake and I gave him a scoop of ice cream. We spent the next hour talking and laughing. When it started to get dark, the pizza and cake were gone, the ice cream was melted and Harry was about asleep.
"How about we put all your stuff in the box and you can sneak it into your room under the stairs." I said.
"Alright." He said, he had a tired expression but his eyes gleamed with admiration and happiness. I laughed as he put all the colorful fun stuff inside the dull box.
"Thanks Ally, it was the best Birthday ever."
"No problem Harry, Happy Birthday." I whispered, as I helped him sneak through the window.
"Bye." He said. He shut the window and I walked to my house. I changed into some pajama pants and a tank top. I climbed into bed, only to be met by my occasional nightmare.
I was in the great hall and I saw hundreds of faceless bodies laying in cots and people crying over them. People were rushing all around me as they tended to the wounded or moved the dead to a place on the ground. It was chaos. I found myself wondering the halls of Hogwarts, that looked almost unrecognizable with the rubble and blood. I found my self running after an invisible source with I soon figured out to be Harry. An older Harry, like the one in my other dream. I could see through the invisibility cloak. I saw ghosts appear around him and say "you've been so brave sweetheart" and "your nearly there" Harry had dropped some kind of stone and walked off. I walked towards the stone, and bent down to pick it up, when I did my brother was there looking just as he did when he was a teenager. Then the scene faded and I woke up.
I wasn't woken by anyone or was I in cold sweats and shivering. I just starred at the shallow of darkness that surrounded my bed. I froze, I couldn't think, move, just stare. I thought I had drove all memories of him from my mind. I don't know how long I sat like that but, something stirred. The sun shone through the curtains, and I decided to get up. I looked in the barroom mirror and saw my eyes were bloodshot, from not getting enough sleep and they were red under my eyes like I had been crying. I didn't know I had cried. I washed my face, and sat down at my desk and wrote down my dream, like I do with every dream, but this one was harder to write. I never talked about him, I doubt anyone even knew I used to have a brother, well besides my family and the small group of death eaters. That's when I realized something was wrong, bad things are stirring, or they will be.

 Alenna Riddle (Tom Riddles Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now