Chapter Twenty-Five

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Alenna Riddle Ch.25

The next couple of weeks were full of homework, classes, run ins with Flint, Oliver ditching us for his Quidditch mates, and Gabriel and I becoming friends. Second year was just peachy. At least the nightmares weren't as often, and the astronomy tower didn't get any higher. Well, today was Monday, which meant double potions with the Slytherins. I sat in the back of the class room, like I normally do in potions, with Hadley. We were brewing the Girding Potion, it's supposed to give the consumer endurance. About halfway through the class, someone's cauldron blew up. The Fumes of the potion spread around the room, thus leading to our evacuation of the dungeons, and the early arrival of the end of class.
       So as we had more of the day off, Hadley and I decided to hangout in the court yard. It was getting colder outside, it was almost as if you could feel the snow about to fall, but sadly it was just crispy cold wind that turned your nose and cheeks red, and caused you to shiver. I had my coat wrapped tightly around me, and my Gryffindor scarf wrapped around my neck.
"Why did we come out here again?" Hadley asked.
"I want to witness the first snowfall." I told her.
"But it's so cold, can't we go inside and enjoy a nice cup of hot chocolate." She complained.
"But- Ugh- Fine!" I gave in, as Hadley sneezed. We ran back into the warmth of the castle walls, and made our way to the great hall. Sitting at our normal seats Hadley and I enjoyed our hot chocolate.
"Three days till Halloween." She informed me, as she looked in her planner.
"Yay, the feast, I can't wait." As we continued talking, Percy made his way over to us.
"Hello ladies, mind if I join you?" He asked.
"Not at all." I said.
"Good, I have something to tell you." He said.
"What is it?" Hadley asked eagerly.
"Well at the end of our second year we apparently get to choose our extra classes, and get our permission slips for Hogsmead." He said excitedly.
"Percy we already know that." Hadley sighed.
"Darn, well what were you guys talking about?" He asked.
"We were talking about the Halloween feast." I said, before taking another sip of my hot chocolate.
"Oh that sounds fun." He said. "How are you guys doing in your classes, well I hope?"
"We are doing just fine Mr.Weasley." I laughed.
"Why so into conversation Perce?" Hadley asked him.
"I just got a bit tired of my book, thought I'd take a break." He said.
"Merlin must have shaved his beard for you to get your nose out of a book." Charlie laughed walking up to us.
"I think he's trying a new look Dragon kid, wants no part in his beard being used as slang terms anymore, and Percy took the hit." I laughed. Percy rolled his eyes.
"You see this is why I read, because it makes it easier to zone out that." He claimed.
"Oh yeah? Well I guess I'll have to try harder to annoy you, won't I?" I said.
"No, you don't." He gasped. Charlie laughed and walked off to join his friends. Percy left us in peace. Once we finished our drinks, we left to the Gryffindor common room. We took the seats by the fireplace, well Hadley took the seat, I laid out on the floor.
"What are you looking forward to most this year?" Hadley asked.
"I'm not sure probably my visits to the Hospital wing." I laughed.
"That's basically your other dorm room." She teased.
"Yep, and I'm proud of it, I should just make a name board and hang it on my practically reserved cot." I added. We just laughed at our antics.
"Your really are unfortunate and clumsy." Hadley said.
"I know, but what classes were Percy talking about?"I asked
"There the elective courses, you take then along with what we are taking now."She asked.
"What classes are offered?"I asked her.
"Oh, well I'm going to do Care of magical creatures and Divination, those seem like the easiest, but there is muggle studies, arithmancy, ancient tunes," She said.
"You think Percy will try to do them all?" I asked.
"Oh, definitely. But McGonagall isn't going to let him." She sighed.
"What about Oliver you think he is going to do well at his first Quidditch game this weekend?" I asked her.
"He'll be fine, I'm certain." She said.

 Alenna Riddle (Tom Riddles Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now