Chapter Twenty

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Alenna Riddle Ch.20

I was have having Breakfast with the Weasley's, when an owl hit the window and fell into a bush. Bill got the owl out the bush and handed a letter to Charlie, Percy, and myself. It was our Hogwarts letters. Charlie dropped the envelope and held up a pin that said PREFECT.
"Oh Charlie, you've done it, your a prefect." Molly swooned over him. Fred and George were laughing. I looked at bill and saw he wasn't looking at Charlie but at his hand. I ran over to him and saw a Head Boy badge. I gasped, then I grabbed it.
"Give it back Alenna." He sighed.
"But I want to marvel in the pins greatness." I replied.
"What are you talking about Alenna?" Molly asked. I looked at Bill shaking his head, so I showed her the badge.
"Billius Weasley, why weren't you going to tell us about this?" Molly scolded.
"Because you would have babied me, mum." He sighed and ripped the badge out of my hand.
"Oh we are just so proud." Molly walked over a gave Bill a hug.
"I know, I'm sorry." He said. Then he turned on me.
"Ally?"he asked. Very suspiciously might I add.
"Yes?"I said taking a step back. But the he ran towards me so I ran out the backdoor and hid in the bush, that seemed to be filled with gnomes. One bit my finger, another one bit my ear. Bill was looking around, he wasn't near me so I detached the gnomes and threw them out of the bush. I looked back at Bill and he was closer. Then the twins came out side, I knew they knew were I was, fred glanced in my direction and winked.
"Bill, I think she ran around front." He yelled. Bill took off to the front yard. Fred beckoned me inside. I grabbed a piece of bacon and went to the fireplace and flooed home. Luckily I still had my letter, so I went upstairs to write a letter to Hadley and Oliver.

I asked them both how they were doing and asked them if they wanted to meet up in Diagon alley tomorrow. Oliver responded first saying that he would be going around 10, and to meet him at flourish and blotts. He said Hadley got the same letter, I agreed and replied that I'll be there. I skipped off and went over to Ms.Figgs office.
"Ms.Figg?" I called.
"In here darling." She called. I walked in.
"Can I meet up with Oliver and Hadley tomorrow in Diagon alley?" I asked.
"Will you be sure to be safe?" She asked.
"Yes, we will be safe." I said.
"Then I don't see what's wrong with it, tell Molly you won't be going to Diagon alley with them and that your meeting some friends." She said and got back to her book.
"I will thank you." I said and skipped out of the office and up to my room again. I wrote a letter to Molly.

Dear Mrs.Weasley,
Hi, I know I just left but I wanted to inform you that I will be meeting up with some friends in Diagon alley tomorrow and that I would not be shopping with your Family. Please ask if Percy would like to join Oliver, Hadley, and I.
Loving you all,

I tied it to munch's leg, and sent him off. I looked over at the Dursley's House. Vernon probably just left for work and Harry was doing chores. He's seven years of age. His Birthday is next week, I plan to hang out with him. I got to talk to him at the park, but that didn't do me much good as I earned a black eye from eight year old Dudley. But, to lighten his spirits I was going to give him a birthday present in person this time. It was just going to be a batch of brownies that I made my self and drizzled white icing on it. It was nothing special but it was something he would like. He was sitting on the stairs playing in the dirt in front of the door. He looked like he hadn't eaten in a week. I decided to bring him a sandwich. I packed two lunches and walked out the front door. He saw me and ran over.
"Hey Harry." I said messing up his hair.
"Hi, Alenna." He said shyly.
"Do you want to have lunch with me, it's nothing big but-"
"Yes, I would love to join you." He said giving a small smile. I smiled at him. I walked with him to the park.
"You eye healed." He stated.
"Yep, it healed faster than I thought it would. How are you doing?"
"Okay except my Aunt Marge and her big dogs are coming to stay with us, she always treats me worse than my Aunt and Uncle." He sighed.
"You know you could always come over to my house." I informed him.
"I know but I don't want them knowing I actually like going over to Ms.Figg's house." He laughed.
We sat down in a patch of dry grass. I pulled out a sandwich for Harry, and one for myself.
"Your Birthdays coming up." I told him. "July 31st, right."
"Yea, what's so special about it?" He asked, I almost gaged on my sandwich.
"What's so special? Well for starters you turn eight, and that you and me are going to throw the best two person party ever, right here at the park, unless your friends from school what to come, we can invite them." I said.
"I don't have any friends at school they are scared that Dudley would hurt them."
"It's alright you have me, and I'm going to make a cake, I'm going get some food, and some punch. And we are going to have lots of fun."
"Just you and me?" He asked.
"Just you and me." I confirmed. "Meet me here at 12:00 on Friday so we can celebrate your birthday."
"Wait Friday, Marge is coming. I can't get out the front door and I don't know the way to the park the other way." He said disappointedly.
"Don't worry kid, all you have to do is get to the back yard and over the fence, I'll come get you and we will go to the park together." I compromised.
"Alright." He said going back to his sandwich. We finished our lunch and Harry looked much better. I walked him home, which he grudgingly walked through the front door. I went to my house to get ready for tomorrow I which I would be going to Diagon Alley.

 Alenna Riddle (Tom Riddles Daughter)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora