Chapter Twenty-Two

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Above I have a picture of Hadley Burns.

Alenna Riddle Ch.22

    We were on the platform saying our farewells. I promised to write, and said goodbye. I left to find a compartment. I looked for Hadley or Oliver but, didn't find them so I found an empty compartment. I was joined by Percy. Oliver came a couple minutes afterwards, and Hadley after him. The train started moving and we caught up with each other. After awhile I drifted off, probably because I had been avoiding going to sleep so I didn't have dreams. I wasn't lucky this time. It was the same dream, with my brother. In each dream I had with him in it, I think I broke a little bit more. Heights were even more nauseating, loud sounds made me jumpy, and even a memory of him would send me into a frozen state. I worked for months to get the haunting memories out of my mind but they keep flooding my thoughts, to where I can't think clearly, I can't see straight, sometimes I can't even move. I woke up with a jump. Percy woke me because the trolley lady had asked if we wanted anything. I got a sugar quill. Percy eyed me carefully. I knew he had noticed something was off but I tried to hide it.
"So are you excited for second year?" Percy asked us.
"Yea." I said. I must've sounded normal because they didn't seem weary. Oliver went on about Quidditch. I tried to listen but my thoughts were jumbled. I wasn't getting enough sleep, I wasn't the same Alenna. Percy hadn't been pranked by me for a month, not normal. I didn't seem as interested in Charlie and I's talks about dragons, and Fred and George well they kept asking what was wrong, as I had stopped pranking with them. I didn't call Ron, Munchkin, or Munch. It was obvious something was wrong. I knew all the Weasley's knew, they were just afraid to ask. Hadley snapped me out of my thoughts.
"So, do you think we'll win the House cup?" She asked.
"No clue, depends on if the first years contribute much." I said.
"Yea guess it's a house effort." Hadley said.
"We should change into our robes we're nearly there." Percy recommended. We all agreed and the boys left to go to the bathroom and change while Hadley and I changed in the compartment. The boys hadn't gotten back yet, so Hadley started a conversation.
"Want to talk?" She asked.
"Talk about what?" I asked.
"What's botherin' you?" She asked sitting next to me.
"Just some nightmares." I replied simply. I knew she wanted to know more, but I wouldn't be able to talk about it.
"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked.
"No, I don't want to worry you with them, I don't even fully understand them." I said.
"Well you can always come to me, if you want to let it off your shoulders." She told me. She pulled out her part of the angel wings and I pulled out my part. I game her a reassuring smile.
"I know." I said, just before the boys came in.
"Do you guys want to hear about what happened in the cave behind Hadley's house?" I asked, wanting to let everyone know I was okay. They nodded and Hadley laughed. I told them the story and Hadley corrected me at some points. When we got off the train, it was really dark. We got on the carriages, and rode up to the castle.
I coaxed my friends into sitting at the end of the table by the doors. The first years came in and they looked nervous, some even terrified. Then the hat sung and McGonagall called out names. I clapped when the hat yelled Gryffindor but other than that I was fighting sleep, and trying to keep memories at bay. When Dumbledore said his mysterious speech, the food appeared. I just kind of slid pieces around on the plate with the fork, eating a couple bites here and there. When they dismissed us to our dorms I dragged Hadley with me through the secret passage to get to the fat lady faster. I saw Bill and he said the password, Fire-Bird. I pulled Hadley up to our dorm which was past the other second year girls. I saw my trunk on the one closest to the bathroom. Yes! I changed into my Pjs.
"Hadley, I do want to talk about it, just not now." I said, to her quietly.
"When your ready." She said getting into her bed.
"Night." I mumbled.
"Night." She said. She fell asleep. I fought sleep not wanting to have a nightmare, but to no avail. At least I didn't dream, I actually had a peaceful night.
I was the first one up in my dorm. I went to the bathroom and got ready, I left my hair down in its loose curls, the purple in my hair still visible. When Hadley was ready, we met up with Percy and Oliver. Percy must've told Oliver his suspicions because he was eying me wearily. I gave him a confident smile.
"So anyone want to pull a prank on Flint?" I said. They all three took a breath of relief.
"Why not" "sure" "fine" they each said.
"Breakfast first." Oliver demanded.
"Of coarse sir Oliver." I laughed. We walked to the great hall. McGonagall greeted us as we walked in and handed us our time tables. It looked similar to this:

 Alenna Riddle (Tom Riddles Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now