Chapter Twenty-Four

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Alenna Riddle Ch.24

"Hey Ally." Oliver greeted me.
"Hello Oli." I said.
"So we have Quidditch Tryouts in like 30 minutes, are you coming?" He asked.
"To watch yes."
"Good because I sorta Signedyouuptotryoutforbeater." He said.
"You did what! Oliver I'm going to get myself killed!"
"No your not if you just relax on the broom a bit you could be a fair flyer, and I've seen you play that muggle sport game you hit well."
"That's on the ground!" I whined.
"Come on it won't be that bad, just try." He pleaded.
"Fine! But I'm not going higher then ten feet!"
"You've got to in order to make the team." He said.
"Oliver I don't want to make the team." I replied. We left for the Quidditch pitch. When we got there, I looked around, and sighed.
"I can't do it Oli." I said and walked up the bleachers.
"Ally!" He exclaimed. I ignored him and kept walking to one of the bleachers where I'd get the best view. When I got there I saw Oliver tell Charlie to cross off my name. He started telling people what to do. When they took off I got bored and started doing commentary.
"And they're off, first is the Quest for the chasers, the Quaffle handlers, the main steeds. It seems that Charlie Weasley is a tough cracker to impress, as the few daring adversaries pass and weave and show their skills out on the pitch. Oh look here whatever his name is, is straying from the group quaffel in hand, just missed by a bludger underneath what's her face and throws the Quaffle towards the left hoop, He Scores!" I said. They continued on like this till they decided the three chasers! Yay, it was three people I have never heard of. Now it was keeper time.
"The triad keepers take to the air, Wood to my left and to my right some 5th year who seems a bit scary, on the sidelines some third year shaking in his boots. The chasers are off one passes scary 5thy, one passes Wood, another passes 5thy, blocked by Wood." The chasers continued to pull of their trickiest moves, Wood blocked three out of 5 but 5thy only blocked 2 out of 5, the other kid couldn't block a thing and almost fell off his broom. Beaters were some raw talent, there was two brutes that were best of mates. They were the only one to tryout so they got it!
"Charlie being the obvious pick for seeker tells the group his new team and when practice will be, what a great year I feel we'll have. Do you think? Air sitting next to me." I said holding an imaginary microphone to the empty space beside me. I laughed at my own antics and walked down the bleachers to congratulate Oliver on his spot. When I was halfway down a sharp voice came from behind me, scaring me half to death and causing me to tumble the rest of the way.
"You'd be a good commentator." The voice had said before I took the involuntary leap.
"Oh no are you okay I didn't meant to startle you." He said frantically helping me to my feet.
"Yea I'm fine, but what were you saying before well you know?" I asked rubbing the back of my head where a lump was already forming.
"Oh I said you'd be a good commentator, we could use some laughs." He laughed, he looked at me wearily.
"You think so? I never thought anything of it." I shrugged standing up but I apparently stood to fast as I swayed on my feet as black dots danced in my eyes.
"Yeah you'd be good, but you should probably sit down, you hit your head pretty hard." He said. He pulled me back to sitting on the bleacher.
"Oh it's fine I fall the all time." I said. He looked at me weirdly then I noticed my slurred words.
"Hospital Wing?" He offered. I nodded my head yes.
"Thanks, I'm Alenna Riddle by the way. Who are you?" I asked slowly trying to get my words right. I took in his look he had clean cut sandy brown hair, very dull, but bright, if that makes any sense, green eyes. He had a slight rugged appearance as if he doesn't put to much effort into it. His hair was unruly, and his Hufflepuff tie was loosened.
"I'm Gabriel Truman." He said helping me up.
"I should tell Oliver." I said. "Th-that your taking me to the Hospital Wing."
It came out kind of stuttered, but Im sure it was just in my head.
"Wood? Why would you need to tell him?" He said suspiciously, he seemed kinda down.
"Well, I came here with him so I just don't want to worry him." My words slurred again.
"I'll tell him." He said. He helped me up and he walked with me over to Oliver who was smiling ear to ear. I stopped leaning on him in excitement and ran over to Oliver, which caused some senses to get even more disoriented. I fought through the blurring of my sight and the slowing of my thoughts.
"Congratulations Oliver, you well did." I said, my words mixing once more.
"You okay?" He said.
"Oh well you see I startled her by accident and she took quite a rough tumble down the stands, I'm going to escort her to the Hospital Wing." Gabriel said to Oliver.
"Oh, well get better, see you later then Ally, you too Truman." Oliver said letting his smile take shape once again. Gabriel then proceeded to walk with me to the hospital wing.
"So your in Huffelpuff?" I asked him.
"Yeah, quite underestimated compared to the other houses." He sighed.
"I think Hufflepuffs are cool." I smiled at him.
"I'm glad you think so, your words aren't mixing any longer, by the way." He pointed out.
"Yeah I guess I got my senses back." I laughed.
"Well I'm glad, do you still want to go to the Hospital wing?"
"No I already have a reserved cot in there, I think by now the matron and I should be on first name bases, don't you think?" I asked him.
"Yeah, you do end up there quite a bit." He laughed. "So do you want to do something, it is Saturday after all, have you got any plans?"
"Umm.. I was going to catch up with Hadley and Oliver, but I guess Oliver is going to be hanging out with his Quidditch buddies, and Hadley is doing her own thing, she won't miss me for one afternoon. So yea I guess we can do something together." I answered him.
"How about we hang out at the lake?" He offered.
"That sound good." I said and smiled at him. He was quite fair looking. His neat but messy hair with his green eyes, and slightly defined features, he wasn't bad in the eyes. He was very friendly, besides the fact that he scared people in to falling down stands. He kinda reminded me of Percy, he is caring, but still ambitious and prideful, I could tell he was loyal by the way he stood, as if he was ready to jump in front of me if need be. We ended up sitting out by the lakes edge and talking, getting to know each other. After a while we both sort of fell into a silence, it was a bit awkward. It was getting dark, and Gabriel stood up and then helped me to my feet.
"You want me to walk you back to your common room?" He asked politely.
"Oh, what a gentleman." I teased and put the back of my hand to my forehead dramatically.
"I'll take that as a yes then. So from what you told me your not a morning person, so how about you join me for lunch tomorrow." He said.
"I would love too join you, but I did kinda ditch my friends today so what about some other day?" I told him.
"That would be lovely." He said. We walked the last couple stairs to the fat lady.
"Oh don't you think about bringing that Huffelpuff boy in here, it's not happening." She said snapping her fingers and pursing her lips together.
"I wasn't going to, he was escorting me here like a gentlemen."
"Thanks for hanging out with me today, I-I enjoyed it." He said weirdly.
"No problem it was fun, oh and good luck on that potions paper." I said to him.
"Well I'll see you around, good night." He ended.
"See you, Night." I told him. He turned and left, once he was around the corner I whispered the password to the fat lady.
"Good grief that whole thing made me want to gag." She complained.
"Whatever." I said walking through the portrait hole. The common room was bustling with students. Paper airplanes were flying across the room, a few people had books out doing a bit of homework, and others were laid back, chatting with friends, or snacking on some candy. I found Hadley in the corner of the common room. She had her potions book out and she had her fingers tangled in her hair, she was stressing.
"You know you shouldn't leave your potion assignments till the weekend." I said walking up towards her.
"Oh, look who it is, the girl who said she'd help me out with some homework, but then ditched. Do you mind explaining?" She scolded.
"You see it started at the end of Quidditch tryouts when a Huffelpuff, Truman, scared me and I fell down the stands. He walked with me toward the hospital wing, but halfway there I realized it had worn off for the most part, so we just hung out together by the lake." I said quickly. I saw Hadley's eyes widen.
"You ditched me to hang out with a boy?" She asked dangerously slow.
"Yeah, sorry."
"Oh I'm so excited for you." She squealed.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Oh isn't it obvious, Truman likes you." She said.
"What? No he doesn't, we are only in our second year." I defended.
"Oh come on haven't you ever heard the saying love knows no age?" She asked.
"Nope never." I said blankly.
"Well it's true and you've got an admirer." She said cheerfully.
"Just do your essay." I grumped.
"Can you help me? I don't understand the steps to brewing the Girding Potion, so I can't explain how it's done."
"The Girding potion? That's not the assignment at all, who'd you hear this from?" I asked.
"Oliver told me." She said.
"Oliver is an idiot. The assignment is a 13 inch essay on flobberworm mucus and its uses in potions."
"Oh that's not as complex, but it's so boring." She complained. I looked at her paper and saw she had my book on the table.
"Hadley what happened to your book?" I asked.
"Oh I lost it somewhere in our dorm, figured I'd use yours, I didn't think you would mind." She said.
"I don't, but my essay is in there you can use it for yours just re-word it." I told her.
"Thank you so much." She said her voice full off relief.

 Alenna Riddle (Tom Riddles Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now