Chapter Three

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I saw a women with her light brown hair pulled into a bun, she had a stern and worried look. She was wearing emerald green robes. Next to her stood the person my father feared the most, Albus Dumbledore.
"Hagrid," Dumbledore said in a relieved tone. "At last. And where did you get that motorcycle?"
"Borrowed it, Professor Dumbledore, sir," Hagrid said. "Young Sirius Black lent it to me. I've got him, sir."
He lifted Harry out of my hands.
"No problems, were there?"
"No sir- house almost destroyed, but this young lass got him out in time."
"Ahh, who might you be?" The old man asked me.
"A-Alenna Riddle" I said nervously.
"Riddle?" He asked curiously.
"Yes sir."
"Are you his daughter?" He said and I nodded new tears flooding my eyes. He and the woman went to examine Harry. They talked about his scar.
Dumbledore soon took Harry into his arms.
"Can I say goodbye to him sir?" I asked. I walked over to Harry, who had his father's black hair and his mothers beautiful emerald green eyes. I kissed him on his head and whispered.
"I'm sorry I couldn't do more." I stepped back and bumped into the woman.
"S-sorry." I muttered, she gave a hesitant smile.
Dumbledore placed Harry on the front door mat with a letter explaining what happened.
He came back and Hagrid left.
"Alenna could you accompany me to my office? Minerva you as well?" Albus asked.
"Yes sir." I replied and Minerva nodded. I grabbed on to his arm and felt that horrible sensation that I had felt earlier that night.
I looked around and saw a circular room with millions of magical and non magical trinkets.
"Miss.Riddle-" Dumbledore started.
"Please call me Alenna." I interrupted. He nodded and started again.
"Alenna, could you tell me what happened tonight?" He asked. I told him everything.
"Child I must say you saved a lot of lives." He said.
"I could've saved his parents, I tried to save Harry's dad I just wasn't tall enough and I pleaded with my father to save the mother, he wouldn't listen and she shielded Harry. Something weird happened when I fired the curse at him."
"What happened?"
"The curse he fired acted as if it had bounced off of Harry and collided with my spell when hitting My Father." I said.
"Well we could find your mother for you." He said.
"No, she'll be with the other death eaters and they won't hesitate to kill me once they hear about it." I said tears falling rapidly now.
"We need to find someone to take care of her Albus." Minerva said after blowing her nose.
"If you don't mind I'd like to watch over Harry, I feel responsible for him, as if he was my brother." I said quietly.
"I know just the person then." He stated.
"Umm.. Here's my Mums wand." I said handing the old man the wand.
"Thank you, I'll make sure it's safe." He said and put it in his desk drawer.
I grabbed his arm and I once again felt the squeezing and turning through a tube.
"Where are we?" I asked.
"Ms.Figg's, I called in a favor and she will take care of you and you both will be assigned the task of watching over Harry." He said.
"Thank you sir." I said.
"Is something troubling you?" He asked.
"It's just, if I go to Hogwarts I won't be here for Harry."
"That's why I have also assigned Arabella Figg as well so you can get your education." He said.
"Thank you sir." I said.
"Albus?" I heard a soft feminine voice say.
"Arabella in here I must ask you for something."
"Anything Albus?"
"Arabella could you take care of Alenna Riddle, and watch over Harry Potter?"
"It's true then, Harry defeated you-know-who?"
"Yes it is true, he is staying with the Dursley family right across the street."
"Yes, I saw you place that bundle of blankets, on the mat."
"Alenna here saved him, and helped kill her father, she tried to save James and Lily. The thing is the death eaters will be after her, she needs somewhere to stay."
"Of course she can stay here." The woman looked at me warmly.
"Thank you." I said.
"It's not a problem dear, I've always wanted a daughter, and this will be just as close to having one." She said a giant smile forming on her face. I smiled softly.
"Dumbledore, there is one more problem." I said.
"And what is that?"
"Sirius Black he is going after Peter Pettigrew. Peter gave my Father the address of the Potter family. Sirius is going to kill him, but if he gets caught before he does, it's most likely that Pettigrew would turn into his Animagi, he is an illegal aminagus, he is literally a rat. Make sure Sirius doesn't get hurt, because of Peter's mistake, Harry needs a Godfather." I told him.
"I'll do my best Alenna." He said."thank you again Arabella."
Dumbledore turned on his heel and was gone.
"Okay so let's get you in bed." Arabella said.
I followed her up the stairs and she pointed to a door on her left.
"It's not much but it'll do." She said.
I opened the door and saw a simple bedroom it had a bed with floral bed covers, a dresser, a mirror, and a night table.
"It's beautiful." I complemented. "Your whole house is."
"Thank you, oh and this is Mr.Tibbles, Snowy, Mr.Paws, and Tufty." She said pointing to four of the ugliest cats I've ever seen.
"They' A-adorable." I fake complemented.
"Alright in you go. Do you want a shirt to wear to bed?"
"Yes please." I said. The woman nodded and walked next door, to her room I suppose. She came back with a large shirt, it was nothing special, but it will do.
"Thank you." I said before she walked out and closed the door. I changed out of my robes and into the shirt.
I climbed into the bed and fell asleep, replaying the events of today in my dreams.

 Alenna Riddle (Tom Riddles Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now