Chapter Fourteen

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Alenna Riddle Ch.14

The end of term was coming quickly. I wrote many more letters to my mum that weren't sent. Talking about how I was and what my favorite subjects are, and the pranks I pulled. It was basically writing a diary. And I was going to get in touch with her soon.

"Ally are you staying at school for the holiday?" Hadley asked.
"No I'm going home, you?"
"Yes, and Oliver is going home as well." She answered.
"Well since we leave in a couple of days what should we do?" I asked.
"We could help with the Christmas decoration."
"Okay." We want off to ask if There was anything we could do to help.
"Alenna, I heard you had a talent of keeping peeves out of the way, care to help?" Flitwick asked.
"Of coarse, Hadley care to join me we have to prank the poltergeist." I laughed.
"Oh fine, I'll help you." She sighed.
To catch peeves attention we have to walk into one of his traps. He always has one by the Owlery. So that's where we went first. Not there. We saw McGonagall and she had a very annoyed face.
"Professor, have you seen Peeves?" I asked.
"No, but when you find him, come find me I want a word with him." She said.
"Okay, back to the hunt." Hadley sighed as we were back to step one.
"I know the stairs!"
"Why the stairs?"
"He teases people stuck in the trick staircase." I ran off and saw a Slytherin first year stuck on the stair.
"Flint, find yourself in a situation?"I laughed. He mumbled something inaudible.
"What some help?" I asked.
"I don't need help from a filthy blood traitor." He spat.
"Well then... PEEVES YOU GOT YOUR SELF A FIRSTY STUCK ON THE STAIR!" I yelled. Peeves came around the corridor.
He started throwing erasers at flint.
"Okay you can help me now." He whispered.
"Immobulous" I said simply. The poltergeist froze. I helped Flint out of the stair and he shoved my arm away.
"Happy Christmas Flint." I said sarcastically.
"Why did you help him?"
"Because I would have helped anyone else." I said." Now what's the spell I need to move things?"
"Locomotor." Hadley said casting the spell and we walked with Peeved frozen and we set off the bring our bounty to McGonagall.
"Professor we got him." I said walking into the transfiguration class room.
"Oh good. Now your dismissed. 10 points to each of you." She said and took peeves off out hands.
"Bye professor." Hadley said.
"Where to now?"
"I think We could get Hot Chocolate in the great hall." She informed. We set off and saw the Gryffindor Quidditch team come in soaked from head to toe and they were shivering.
"What's wrong with you guys?" We asked sipping our Hot chocolate.
"Snow and practice, cold." The murmured something about stupid captain and stupid practice. Charlie was super annoyed so I decided to talk to him.
"You need to go to Madame Pomfrey, all of you do." I said.
"No were just cold." He claimed then one of the team members sneezed.
"All right is you are apart of the Gryffindor Quidditch team follow me!" I shouted. They sighed and sneezed some coughed. I led them to the Hospital wing and left them there.

We were due to leave in a couple hours so I was rushing to get packed. I put some of my clothes, my box of letters to my mom, and some other things in my trunk.

It's the day before Christmas Eve and I was at My house. I helped make some cookies with Ms.Figg. The Weasley's were coming over here for Christmas. Ms.Figg and I were going to Diagon alley and some muggle stores to get Christmas gifts.

For the twins- Prank supplies.
Ginny-a muggle doll and chocolate wands.
Bill- candy and wizard chess set.
Charlie- mini dragon that flew around and blew fire. (Toy of course)
Percy- a planner and a book, sugar quills and pumpkin pastes.
Ron- Lots of candy.
Mrs.Weasley- a new pair of oven mitts and a new copy of Gildory Lockhart's book.
Mr.Weasley- a muggle trinket, and some muggle candy.
Mrs.Figgs- a pink rain jacket and an umbrella. Also a scrapbook with pictures of her cats.

When we got everything wrapped I dug to the bottom of my closet to find something special. I found it! I didn't know Harry too well but I wanted him to have a good Christmas. I always left him something on Christmas. Of coarse I never signed it. This year I bought him a blanket and some army figurines.

Now was my mother, I'm sending her a letter, and a recent picture of me. I decided not to send her all of them as she could hate me, and never want to hear from me, plus it's been like a diary so I'm not just going to send it off. I haven't told anyone I was going to do this.

I hesitantly tied the letter to munch, my owl, I gave him a treat for the trip.
"Askaban Prison, Maria Yaxley." I whispered so Ms.Figgs couldn't hear me. He turned his head questioningly, as if it wasn't enough information.
"Cell number 879654." I sighed, "good luck be safe."
He flew out the window and I shut it behind him. She should get it tomorrow.

Ginny and the twins spent the night at my house, because Molly was getting stressed by their holiday themed antics. We couldn't wait for tomorrow, me especially. I was so anxious about hearing back from my mother, but I was worried at what she would say. I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind. Ginny was asleep on the recliner, the twins were about asleep on either side of me, I was on the verge of succumbing to sleep. Which I did.

I woke up to the smell of Ms.Figgs pumpkin pancakes. Yum. Ginny, Fred, and George were already eating. I joined them. The boys were laughing quietly about something, and Ginny seemed to be day dreaming.
"Morning Ally." The boys chorused.
"Morning boys, girl." I nodded turning my attention the the pancakes. I devoured a couple then then Ginny grabbed the last one before I could. She laughed and began to eat it. I scowled but it turned into a laugh when the twins knocked over the syrup.

"Alright Weasley's go have your family Christmas we will come over later." Arabella told them.

"Happy Christmas!" They all three said then flooed to their house.

"Well open your gift." Arabella urged. I hesitantly grabbed the package and pulled away the paper. Inside was a leather jacket and a dragon hide journal.

"Merlins Purple Underpants!"I gasped.
"Alenna!" She scolded.
"I love it!!!" I cheered.
"I'm glad." She smiled. I quickly put on the jacket. I gave her, her present.
"Oh Alenna, I love it, I've been needing a new coat and umbrella, oh and this is adorable Aly, thank you so much." She gave me one of those grandma like hugs. The ones where they crush you.

We spent the next couple of hours together. Our Christmas tradition is to sit by the fire and drink hot chocolate, singing Christmas carols. Muggle and Wizarding songs alike.

Ms.figg had recently figured out that she can floo. So she still has a bit of magical blood she just can't preform magic. When we got to the Weasley's, there was a lot of Christmas cheer. We all sat in the family room; we gave them their gifts, which they loved. From Bill I got an assortment of sugar Quills, and jelly slugs. My favorite sweets. Charlie gave me a dragon poster. Percy gave me a book of healing spells, I don't know why. Fred and George, well I get a face full of green and blue smoke. It was suppose to turn my hair purple, but it only gave purple highlights, which I fell in love with. They also got me a few Zonkos products. Ron gave me two chocolate frogs. Ginny gave me a charm bracelet. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley gave me a purple sweater with a gray A on it, and a batch of homemade brownies. We spent the rest of the day hanging out.

 Alenna Riddle (Tom Riddles Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now